A component-and message-based architectural style for GUI software RN Taylor, N Medvidovic, KM Anderson, EJ Whitehead Jr, JE Robbins Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Software engineering …, 1995 | 887 | 1995 |
A vision for technology-mediated support for public participation & assistance in mass emergencies & disasters L Palen, KM Anderson, G Mark, J Martin, D Sicker, M Palmer, D Grunwald ACM-BCS Visions of Computer Science 2010, 2010 | 489 | 2010 |
Natural language processing to the rescue? extracting" situational awareness" tweets during mass emergency S Verma, S Vieweg, W Corvey, L Palen, J Martin, M Palmer, A Schram, ... Proceedings of the international AAAI conference on web and social media 5 …, 2011 | 473 | 2011 |
Crisis informatics—New data for extraordinary times L Palen, KM Anderson Science 353 (6296), 224-225, 2016 | 346 | 2016 |
Online public communications by police & fire services during the 2012 Hurricane Sandy AL Hughes, LAA St. Denis, L Palen, KM Anderson Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2014 | 346 | 2014 |
Chimera: Hypertext for heterogeneous software environments KM Anderson, RN Taylor, EJ Whitehead Jr Proceedings of the 1994 ACM European conference on Hypermedia technology, 94-107, 1994 | 223 | 1994 |
Applications of topics models to analysis of disaster-related twitter data K Kireyev, L Palen, K Anderson NIPS workshop on applications for topic models: text and beyond 1, 2009 | 189 | 2009 |
Think local, retweet global: Retweeting by the geographically-vulnerable during Hurricane Sandy M Kogan, L Palen, KM Anderson Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on computer supported cooperative …, 2015 | 180 | 2015 |
A view of software development environments based on activity theory P Barthelmess, KM Anderson Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 11, 13-37, 2002 | 158 | 2002 |
" Beacons of hope" in decentralized coordination: learning from on-the-ground medical twitterers during the 2010 Haiti earthquake A Sarcevic, L Palen, J White, K Starbird, M Bagdouri, K Anderson Proceedings of the ACM 2012 conference on computer supported cooperative …, 2012 | 154 | 2012 |
Web-based development of complex information products RT Fielding, EJ Whitehead Jr, KM Anderson, GA Bolcer, P Oreizy, ... Communications of the ACM 41 (8), 84-92, 1998 | 152 | 1998 |
MySQL to NoSQL: data modeling challenges in supporting scalability A Schram, KM Anderson Proceedings of the 3rd annual conference on Systems, programming, and …, 2012 | 151 | 2012 |
Integrating open hypermedia systems with the World Wide Web KM Anderson Proceedings of the eighth ACM conference on Hypertext, 157-166, 1997 | 149 | 1997 |
Mastering social media: An analysis of Jefferson County's communications during the 2013 Colorado floods. LAS Denis, L Palen, KM Anderson ISCRAM, 2014 | 145 | 2014 |
Supporting “everyday analysts” in safety-and time-critical situations L Palen, S Vieweg, KM Anderson The Information Society 27 (1), 52-62, 2011 | 145 | 2011 |
Supporting disaster reconnaissance with social media data: A design-oriented case study of the 2013 Colorado floods. S Dashti, L Palen, MP Heris, KM Anderson, TJ Anderson, S Anderson ISCRAM, 2014 | 125 | 2014 |
Identifying and categorizing disaster-related tweets K Stowe, M Paul, M Palmer, L Palen, KM Anderson Proceedings of The fourth international workshop on natural language …, 2016 | 109 | 2016 |
Chimera: hypermedia for heterogeneous software development enviroments KM Anderson, RN Taylor, EJ Whitehead Jr ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 18 (3), 211-245, 2000 | 108 | 2000 |
Digital mobilization in disaster response: the work & self-organization of on-line pet advocates in response to hurricane sandy JI White, L Palen, KM Anderson Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 2014 | 105 | 2014 |
Design and implementation of a data analytics infrastructure in support of crisis informatics research (NIER track) KM Anderson, A Schram Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2011 | 103 | 2011 |