Seif Madoffe
Seif Madoffe
Sokoine University of Agriculture
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Measuring, modeling and mapping ecosystem services in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania
B Fisher, RK Turner, ND Burgess, RD Swetnam, J Green, RE Green, ...
Progress in Physical Geography 35 (5), 595-611, 2011
The importance of local forest benefits: Economic valuation of Non-Timber Forest Products in the Eastern Arc Mountains in Tanzania
M Schaafsma, S Morse-Jones, P Posen, RD Swetnam, A Balmford, ...
Global Environmental Change 24, 295-305, 2014
Estimating management costs of protected areas: a novel approach from the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania
JMH Green, ND Burgess, RE Green, SS Madoffe, PKT Munishi, ...
Biological Conservation 150 (1), 5-14, 2012
Monitoring the health of selected eastern arc forests in Tanzania
S Madoffe, GD Hertel, P Rodgers, B O'Connell, R Killenga
African Journal of Ecology 44 (2), 171-177, 2006
The current and future value of nature-based tourism in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania
J Bayliss, M Schaafsma, A Balmford, ND Burgess, JMH Green, ...
Ecosystem Services 8, 75-83, 2014
Detecting and predicting forest degradation: A comparison of ground surveys and remote sensing in Tanzanian forests
A Ahrends, MT Bulling, PJ Platts, R Swetnam, C Ryan, N Doggart, ...
Plants, People, Planet 3 (3), 268-281, 2021
Forest health monitoring in the Ngangao forest, Taita Hills, Kenya: a five year assessment of change
PC Rogers, B O'Connell, J Mwang'ombe, S Madoffe, G Hertel
Journal of East African Natural History 97 (1), 3-17, 2008
Urban sprawl and species movement may decimate natural plant diversity in an Afro-tropical city
AA Rija, A Said, KA Mwamende, SN Hassan, SS Madoffe
Biodiversity and conservation 23, 963-978, 2014
Performance of teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) provenances seventeen years after planting at Longuza, Tanzania.
SS Madoffe, JA Maghembe
Assessing dynamics of forced livestock movements, livelihoods and future development options for pastoralists/agro-pastoralists in Ruvuma and Lindi Regions, in the Southern …
PL Mwambene, RP Mbwile, FU Höggel, EC Kimbi, J Materu, A Mwaiganju, ...
Livestock research for rural development 26 (1), 2014
Seasonal fluctuations and diversity of bark and wood-boring beetles in lowland forest: implications for management practices
SS Madoffe, A Bakke
South African Forestry Journal 173 (1), 9-15, 1995
Infestation Density of Eucalyptus Gall Wasp, Leptocybe invasa Fisher and La Salle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) on Five Commercially Grown Eucalyptus Species …
R Petro, SS Madoffe, S Iddi
Journal of sustainable forestry 33 (3), 276-297, 2014
Impact of pine woolly aphid, Pineus pini (Macquart) (Hom., Adelgidae), on growth of Pinus patula seedlings in Tanzania
SS Madoffe, Ø Austarå
Journal of Applied Entomology 110 (1‐5), 421-424, 1990
Biofuels and neo-colonialism
S Madoffe, S Maliondo, F Maganga, E Mtalo, F Midtgaard, I Bryceson
Pambazuka News 6, 2009
Forest condition assessment in the Eastern Arc Mountain forests of Tanzania
SS Madoffe
Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Forestry and Beekeeping Division …, 2005
Valuing the Arc-a programme to map and value ecosystem services in Tanzania
ND Burgess, S Mwakalila, S Madoffe, T Ricketts, N Olwero, R Swetnam, ...
Mountain Research Initiative, 2009
Role of institutions in biodiversity conservation in Northern Uluguru Mountains, Morogoro, Tanzania: the villagers' perspective.
P Wilfred, SS Madoffe, EJ Luoga
Indigenous plant uses and use values in Uluguru mountains, Morogoro, Tanzania
P Wilfred, SS Madoffe, EJ Luoga
Journal of East African Natural History 95 (2), 235-240, 2006
Preliminary assessment of forest structure, management and carbon stocking in Tanzania Miombo woodland
SS Madoffe, AA Rija, F Midtgaard, JZ Katani, G Mbeyale, F Zahabu, ...
CCIAM, 2012
Status of Pine Woolly Aphid (Pineus boerneri) in Sao-Hill forest plantation, Tanzania.
R Petro, SS Madoffe
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