The impact of dividend policy on the share price volatility: Malaysian construction and material companies Z Zakaria, J Muhammad, AH Zulkifli International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences 2 (5), 1-8, 2012 | 229 | 2012 |
Determinants of climate change disclosure by developed and emerging countries in Asia Pacific A Amran, V Periasamy, AH Zulkafli Sustainable Development 22 (3), 188-204, 2014 | 169 | 2014 |
Corporate governance and performance of banking firms: Evidence from Asian emerging markets A Hadi Zulkafli, F Abdul Samad Issues in corporate governance and finance, 49-74, 2007 | 127 | 2007 |
Relationship of firm attributes, ownership structure and business network on climate change efforts: evidence from Malaysia A Amran, SK Ooi, M Nejati, AH Zulkafli, BA Lim International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 19 (5), 406-414, 2012 | 76 | 2012 |
The performance of socially responsible investments in Indonesia: A study of the Sri Kehati Index (SKI) AH Zulkafli, Z Ahmad Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business 19 (1), 59-76, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |
Spillover effects of FDI within manufacturing sector in Malaysia TA Masron, AH Zulkafli, H Ibrahim Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 58, 1204-1211, 2012 | 56 | 2012 |
Family ownership, firm’s financial characteristics and capital structure: evidence from public listed companies in Malaysia P Nadaraja, AH Zulkafli, TA Masron Economia Seria Management 14 (1), 141-155, 2011 | 48 | 2011 |
Corporate governance in Malaysia AH Zulkafli, MFA Samad, MI Ismail, MI Ismail Retrieved May 5, 2011, 2005 | 48 | 2005 |
Corporate governance, innovation investment and firm performance: Evidence from Malaysian public listed companies NMAT Rabi, AH Zulkafli, MHC Haat Economia. Seria Management 13 (2), 225-239, 2010 | 36 | 2010 |
Board structure and extent of corporate governance statement A Amran, MS Ishak, AH Zulkafli, M Nejati International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting 2 (4), 383-400, 2010 | 32 | 2010 |
Board diversity and corporate expropriation AH Hamzah, AH Zulkafli Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 164, 562-568, 2014 | 28 | 2014 |
Board structure and firm value: a study on listed banking firms in the Asian emerging markets AH Zulkafli, A Amran, MF Abdul Samad International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 5 (3), 157-177, 2010 | 23 | 2010 |
Corporate governance, HRM practices and Organizational Performance HI Ibrahim, AH Zulkafli, US Malaysia Socio-Economic Problems and the State 14 (1), 30-40, 2016 | 22 | 2016 |
Work-Integrated Learning and Graduate Employability Skills: The Employers’ Perspective AH Jaaffar, HI Ibrahim, K Annuar, M Shah, AH Zulkafli The Social Sciences 11 (21), 5270-5274, 2016 | 21 | 2016 |
Corruption, national culture, law and dividend repatriation policy M Tahir, H Ibrahim, AH Zulkafli, M Mushtaq Journal of Multinational Financial Management 57, 100658, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
Do Corporate Governance Mechanisms Matter to the Reputation of Financial Firms? Evidence of Emerging Markets IOA Eriqat, M Tahir, AH Zulkafli Cogent Business & Management 10 (1), 1-21, 2023 | 13 | 2023 |
Multiple shareholders structure (MSS) and corporate financial policy AH Hamzah, AH Zulkafli Journal of Finance and Bank Management 2 (1), 107-134, 2014 | 13 | 2014 |
Influence of exchange rate fluctuations and credit supply on dividend repatriation policy of US multinational corporations M Tahir, H Ibrahim, AH Zulkafli, M Mushtaq Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice 9 (s1), 267-290, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
Building self-esteem through work-integrated learning HI Ibrahim, AH Zulkafli, KA Mohammad Shah, A Amran International Journal of Learning and Teaching 3 (1), 73-77, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
Impact of repatriation taxes and earned/contributed capital mix on dividend repatriation policy: the moderating role of firm financial maturity M Tahir, H Ibrahim, AH Zulkafli, M Mushtaq International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 13 (2), 146-162, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |