Joonkoo LEE | 이준구
Joonkoo LEE | 이준구
Associate Professor, School of Business, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
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Economic and social upgrading in global value chains and industrial clusters: Why governance matters
G Gereffi, J Lee
Journal of Business Ethics 133 (1), 25-38, 2016
Why the world suddenly cares about global supply chains
G Gereffi, J Lee
Journal of Supply Chain Management 48 (3), 24-32, 2012
Global value chains and agrifood standards: Challenges and possibilities for smallholders in developing countries
J Lee, G Gereffi, J Beauvais
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (31), 12326-12331, 2012
Global value chains, rising power firms and economic and social upgrading
J Lee, G Gereffi
critical perspectives on international business 11 (3/4), 319-339, 2015
Trade policies, firm strategies, and adaptive reconfigurations of global value chains
G Gereffi, HC Lim, J Lee
Journal of International Business Policy 4 (4), 506–522, 2021
A global value chain approach to food safety and quality standards
G Gereffi, J Lee
Global Health Diplomacy for Chronic Disease Prevention Working Paper Series …, 2009
Global commodity chains and global value chains
J Lee
The International Studies Encyclopedia. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2987-3006, 2010
US-based food and agricultural value chains and their relevance to healthy diets
G Gereffi, J Lee, M Christian
Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 4 (3-4), 357-374, 2009
Global value chains, upgrading and poverty reduction
J Lee, G Gereffi, S Barrientos
Capturing the Gains Briefing Note, 2011
Globalization, recession and the internationalization of industrial districts: Experiences from the Italian gold jewellery industry
V De Marchi, J Lee, G Gereffi
European Planning Studies 22 (4), 866-884, 2014
The co-evolution of concentration in mobile phone global value chains and its impact on social upgrading in developing countries
J Lee, G Gereffi
Capturing the Gains Working Paper 25, 2013
Innovation, upgrading, and governance in cross-sectoral global value chains: the case of smartphones
J Lee, G Gereffi
Industrial and Corporate Change 30 (1), 215-231, 2021
Global supply chain dynamics and labour governance: Implications for social upgrading
J Lee
ILO Research Paper Series, 2016
Korea in Global Value Chains: Pathways for Industrial Transformation
S Frederick, P Bamber, L Brun, J Cho, G Gereffi, J Lee
Globalization and divergent paths of industrial development: Mobile phone manufacturing in China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan
J Lee, JC Kim, J Lim
Journal of Contemporary Asia 46 (2), 222-246, 2016
The governance structures of US-based food and agriculture value chains and their relevance to healthy diets
G Gereffi, J Lee, M Christian, K Fernandez-Stark, M Hovsepian, ...
Healthy Eating Research Program, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 1-86, 2008
Three worlds of global value chains: multiple governance and upgrading paths in the Korean animation industry
J Lee
International Journal of Cultural Policy 25 (4), 684-700, 2019
Composite indices of changes in child and youth well-being in the San Francisco Bay Area and the State of California, 1995–2005
J Lee, VL Lamb, KC Land
Child Indicators Research 2, 353-373, 2009
Animating globalization and development: The South Korean animation industry in historical-comparative perspective
J Lee
Ph.D. dissertation, Duke University, 2011
Mobile Asia: Capitalisms, Value Chains and Mobile Telecommunication in Asia
J Lee, HC Lim
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