Muhammad Zubair Malik
Muhammad Zubair Malik
Research Scientist at CMU
在 andrew.cmu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Specification-based program repair using SAT
D Gopinath, MZ Malik, S Khurshid
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 17th …, 2011
A case for automated debugging using data structure repair
MZ Malik, K Ghori, B Elkarablieh, S Khurshid
2009 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering …, 2009
Towards standardizing and improving classification of bug-fix commits
S Zafar, MZ Malik, GS Walia
2019 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and …, 2019
Constraint-based program debugging using data structure repair
MZ Malik, JH Siddiqui, S Khurshid
2011 Fourth IEEE international conference on software testing, verification …, 2011
Multi-label classification of commit messages using transfer learning
MU Sarwar, S Zafar, MW Mkaouer, GS Walia, MZ Malik
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2020
Generating representation invariants of structurally complex data
MZ Malik, A Pervaiz, S Khurshid
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 13th …, 2007
Deryaft: A tool for generating representation invariants of structurally complex data
MZ Malik, A Pervaiz, E Uzuncaova, S Khurshid
Proceedings of the 30th international conference on Software engineering …, 2008
Language and obfuscation oblivious source code authorship attribution
S Zafar, MU Sarwar, S Salem, MZ Malik
IEEE Access 8, 197581-197596, 2020
Repair abstractions for more efficient data structure repair
R Nokhbeh Zaeem, MZ Malik, S Khurshid
Runtime Verification: 4th International Conference, RV 2013, Rennes, France …, 2013
Fair feature subset selection using multiobjective genetic algorithm
AU Rehman, A Nadeem, MZ Malik
Proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion …, 2022
A study of static analysis tools to detect vulnerabilities of branchless banking applications in developing countries
F Ibrar, H Saleem, S Castle, MZ Malik
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information and …, 2017
Dynamic shape analysis of program heap using graph spectra (nier track)
MZ Malik
Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2011
An automated approach for writing Alloy specifications using instances
S Khurshid, MZ Malik, E Uzuncaova
Second International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods …, 2006
Automatic issue classifier: A transfer learning framework for classifying issue reports
A Nadeem, MU Sarwar, MZ Malik
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2021
Dynamic shape analysis using spectral graph properties
MZ Malik, S Khurshid
2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2012
A case for microservices orchestration using workflow engines
A Nadeem, MZ Malik
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 44th International Conference on Software …, 2022
Designing robot receptionist for overcoming poor infrastructure, low literacy and low rate of female interaction
T Rehmani, S Butt, IR Baig, MZ Malik, M Ali
Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot …, 2018
Search Based Code Generation for Machine Learning Programs
MZ Malik, M Nawaz, N Mustafa, JH Siddiqui
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.09373, 2018
Combining data structure repair and program repair
MZ Malik
Improving Delivery of UML Class Diagrams Concepts in Computer Science Education Through Collaborative Learning
R Kaur, MZ Malik, M Singh
2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-5, 2023
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