Mauricio Antonio Lopes
Endosperm origin, development, and function.
MA Lopes, BA Larkins
The Plant Cell 5 (10), 1383, 1993
Innovation can accelerate the transition towards a sustainable food system
M Herrero, PK Thornton, D Mason-D’Croz, J Palmer, TG Benton, ...
Nature Food 1 (5), 266-272, 2020
New Methods for Extraction and Quantitation of Zeins Reveal a High Content of γ-Zein in Modified opaque-2 Maize
JC Wallace, MA Lopes, E Paiva, BA Larkins
Plant physiology 92 (1), 191-196, 1990
Long-term prognosis of cerebral vein and dural sinus thrombosis: results of the VENOPORT study
JM Ferro, MG Lopes, MJ Rosas, MA Ferro, J Fontes
Cerebrovascular Diseases 13 (4), 272-278, 2002
opaque-2 modifiers increase gamma-zein synthesis and alter its spatial distribution in maize endosperm.
KB Geetha, CR Lending, MA Lopes, JC Wallace, BA Larkins
The Plant Cell 3 (11), 1207-1219, 1991
Expression of a mutant α-zein creates the floury2 phenotype in transgenic maize
CE Coleman, AM Clore, JP Ranch, R Higgins, MA Lopes, BA Larkins
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94 (13), 7094-7097, 1997
A defective signal peptide in the maize high-lysine mutant floury 2.
CE Coleman, MA Lopes, JW Gillikin, RS Boston, BA Larkins
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 92 (15), 6828-6831, 1995
Gamma‐zein content is ralated to endosperm modification in quality protein maize
MA Lopes, BA Larkins
Crop Science 31 (6), 1655-1662, 1991
Hematoxylin staining as a phenotypic index for aluminum tolerance selection in tropical maize (Zea mays L.)
GMA Cançado, LL Loguercio, PR Martins, SN Parentoni, E Paiva, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 99, 747-754, 1999
Mapping QTLs for aluminum tolerance in maize
FE Ninamango-Cárdenas, C Teixeira Guimarães, PR Martins, ...
Euphytica 130, 223-232, 2003
Identification of two opaque2 modifier loci in Quality Protein Maize
MA Lopes, K Takasaki, DE Bostwick, T Helentjaris, BA Larkins
Molecular and General Genetics MGG 247, 603-613, 1995
Comentários à Lei dos juizados especiais cíveis e criminais: Lei 9,099, de 26.09. 1995
JDF Júnior, MAR Lopes
Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 1995
Present status of the conservation of livestock genetic resources in Brazil
AS Mariante, M do SM Albuquerque, AA Egito, C McManus, MA Lopes, ...
Livestock Science 120 (3), 204-212, 2009
Cómo realizar e interpretar un análisis factorial exploratorio utilizando SPSS
M López, L Gutiérrez
REIRE Revista d'Innovació i Recerca en Educació 12 (2), 1-14, 2019
The impact of climate change on Brazil's agriculture
M Zilli, M Scarabello, AC Soterroni, H Valin, A Mosnier, D Leclere, ...
Science of the Total Environment 740, 139384, 2020
Heterotic groups based on yield-specific combining ability data and phylogenetic relationship determined by RAPD markers for 28 tropical maize open pollinated varieties
SN Parentoni, JV Magalhaes, CAP Pacheco, MX Santos, T Abadie, ...
Euphytica 121, 197-208, 2001
Phenotypic effects of opaque2 modifier genes in normal maize endosperm.
GL Moro, MA Lopes, JE Habben, BR Hamaker, BA Larkins
Genetic analysis of opaque2 modifier gene activity in maize endosperm
MA Lopes, BA Larkins
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 91, 274-281, 1995
Producción de café (Coffea arabica L.): cultivo, beneficio, plagas y enfermedades
PA Temis, MA López, MM Sosa
Temas selectos de Ingeniería de Alimentos 5 (2), 54-74, 2011
Agricultura, sustentabilidade e tecnologia
MA Lopes, E Contini
Agroanalysis 32 (02), 27-34, 2012
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