Ika Mustika
Ika Mustika
UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
在 uinsa.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Korelasi usia dengan indeks massa tubuh, tekanan darah sistol-diastol, kadar glukosa, kolesterol, dan asam urat
N Lusiana, LP Widayanti, I Mustika, F Andiarna
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 3 (2), 101-108, 2019
Perbedaan Hasil Pemeriksaan Kadar Hemoglobin (Hb) Remaja Menggunakan Metode Sahli dan Digital (Easy Touch GCHb)-The differences in the result of examination of adolescent …
E Kusumawati, N Lusiana, I Mustika, S Hidayati L, EN Andyarini
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 2 (2), 95-98, 2018
Anemia defisiensi besi dan indeks massa tubuh terhadap siklus menstruasi remaja putri
S Hidayati L, E Kusumawati, N Lusiana, I Mustika
Jurnal Kesehatan 12 (1), 30-40, 2019
The Differences in the Result of Examination of Adolescent Hemoglobin Levels Using Sahli and Digital Methods (Easy Touch GCHb)
E Kusumawati, N Lusiana, I Mustika, S Hidayati, EN Andyarini
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 2 (2), 95-99, 2018
Sikap remaja terhadap upaya pencegahan penyebaran covid19 pada orang tanpa gejala (OTG) di Surabaya
LP Widayati, I Mustika
JI-KES-Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan 4 (2), 36-44, 2021
Determinan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif pada Ibu Menyusui Tinjauan Sistematis Penelitian Tahun 2011-2016
I Mustika
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 1 (1), 15-21, 2017
Penambahan chitosan dan plasticizerglycerin dalam pembuatan bioplastik berbahan dasar ekstrak protein ampas tahu
RR Suryani, A Hakim, Y Yusrianti, SW Auvaria, I Mustika
Jukung (Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan) 7 (2), 159-169, 2021
Socioeconomic difference of husband's involvement in antenatal care in rural Indonesia
AD Laksono, RD Wulandari, MLF Kumalasari, I Mustika, R Matahari
The model of community stigma during the Covid-19 pandemic period in East Java Indonesia
SN Asiyah, MLF Kumalasari, MI Hadi, A Muhid, JW Fernanda, I Mustika, ...
Archives of Psychiatry Research: An International Journal of Psychiatry and …, 2022
Uji Efektifitas Biji Kelor (Moringa Oleifera) Terhadap Penurunan Kadar Besi (Fe) Air Sumur Gali Di Desa Buhung Bundang Kecamatan Bontotiro Kabupaten Bulukumba
I Mustika, A Indrawati, AA Warsyidah
Jurnal Media Laboran 8 (1), 9-14, 2018
Development of Extract of Herbal Plants as Anti-Scabies in Pesantren
MLF Kumalasari, A Marwing, E Kususmawati, I Mustika, N Lusiana, ...
Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies …, 2020
Shopping Lifestyle Dan Customer Value Terhadap Impulsive Buying Produk Hijab Syar’i Anggota Pengajian Muslimah Azzahra
AA Rochim, A Muhid, A Fanani, I Mustika, FS Muharram
Indonesian Psychological Research 4 (2), 110-116, 2022
Anemia defisiensi besi dan indeks massa tubuh terhadap siklus menstruasi remaja
E Kusumawati, N Lusiana, I Mustika, I Negeri, S Ampel
JURNAL KESEHATAN 12 (1), 30-40, 2019
Basal body temperature difference before and during the endometrial wall decay on the menstrual cycle
I Mustika, N Lusiana, E Kusumawati, R Purnamasari
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 2 (1), 1-7, 2018
Exclusive Breastfeeding Determinants in Breastfeeding Mother
I Mustika
Journal of Health Science and Prevention 1 (1), 15-21, 2017
Community Empowerment of Parents Concerned about Adolescent Reproductive Health in Krucil District Probolinggo with CBR Approach (Community-Based Research)
EN Andyarini, I Mustika, MI Hadi
Engagement: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 6 (2), 533-540, 2022
Effectiveness of green coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) water against heavy metal levels in the blood of rattus norvegicus
Y Rachmawati, I Mustika, E Tyastirin, R WATI, A ARIFA, H AZZAHRA, ...
Proceedings of the Built Environment, Science and Technology International …, 2020
Community empowerment through the cervical and breast cancer early detection program with the formation of Srikandi Cadres (early cancer awareness) in Kangean Islands, Sumenep …
I Mustika, E Tyastirin, MI Hadi, I Hidayati
ENGAGEMENT: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 3 (2), 127-142, 2019
Hubungan antara motivasi menjadi bidan dengan prestasi belajar asuhan kebidanan ibu hamil pada mahasiswa program studi DIII kebidanan
I Mustika
UNS (Sebelas Maret University), 2009
The Influence of Awareness about Halal and Toyyib Food on Interest Consuming Korean Food Among Adolescent and Adult
I Mustika, S Hidayati
Proceedings of International Conference on Halal Food and Health Nutrition 2 …, 2024
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