Ladislav Peska
Ladislav Peska
Charles University, Department of Software Engineering
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Drug-target interaction prediction: a Bayesian ranking approach
L Peska, K Buza, J Koller
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 152, 15-21, 2017
Drug–target interaction prediction with Bipartite Local Models and hubness-aware regression
K Buza, L Peška
Neurocomputing 260, 284-293, 2017
Swarm intelligence techniques in recommender systems-A review of recent research
L Peška, TM Tashu, T Horváth
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 48, 201-219, 2019
Interactive video retrieval evaluation at a distance: comparing sixteen interactive video search systems in a remote setting at the 10th Video Browser Showdown
S Heller, V Gsteiger, W Bailer, C Gurrin, BÞ Jónsson, J Lokoč, ...
International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval 11 (1), 1-18, 2022
Using implicit preference relations to improve recommender systems
L Peska, P Vojtas
Journal on Data Semantics 6, 15-30, 2017
Enhancing recommender system with linked open data
L Peska, P Vojtas
Flexible Query Answering Systems: 10th International Conference, FQAS 2013 …, 2013
Off-line vs. On-line Evaluation of Recommender Systems in Small E-commerce
L Peska, P Vojtas
Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 291-300, 2020
Classification of fMRI data using dynamic time warping based functional connectivity analysis
R Meszlényi, L Peska, V Gál, Z Vidnyánszky, K Buza
2016 24th European signal processing conference (EUSIPCO), 245-249, 2016
Negative implicit feedback in e-commerce recommender systems
L Peska, P Vojtas
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining …, 2013
Interactive video retrieval in the age of effective joint embedding deep models: lessons from the 11th VBS
J Lokoč, S Andreadis, W Bailer, A Duane, C Gurrin, Z Ma, N Messina, ...
Multimedia Systems 29 (6), 3481-3504, 2023
A task category space for user-centric comparative multimedia search evaluations
J Lokoč, W Bailer, KU Barthel, C Gurrin, S Heller, BÞ Jónsson, L Peška, ...
International conference on multimedia modeling, 193-204, 2022
Modified linear regression predicts drug-target interactions accurately
K Buza, L Peška, J Koller
PloS one 15 (4), e0230726, 2020
Using the context of user feedback in recommender systems
L Peska
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.04978, 2016
Upcomp-a php component for recommendation based on user behaviour
L Peska, A Eckhardt, P Vojtas
2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and …, 2011
Video search with context-aware ranker and relevance feedback
J Lokoč, F Mejzlík, T Souček, P Dokoupil, L Peška
International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, 505-510, 2022
Aladin: a new approach for drug–target interaction prediction
K Buza, L Peska
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2017
Comparing interactive retrieval approaches at the Lifelog Search Challenge 2021
LD Tran, MD Nguyen, DT Dang-Nguyen, S Heller, F Spiess, J Lokoč, ...
IEEE Access 11, 30982-30995, 2023
On the user-centric comparative remote evaluation of interactive video search systems
L Rossetto, R Gasser, S Heller, M Parian-Scherb, L Sauter, F Spiess, ...
IEEE MultiMedia 28 (4), 18-28, 2021
Lyrics or audio for music recommendation?
M Vystrčilová, L Peška
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining …, 2020
Using linked open data in recommender systems
L Peska, P Vojtas
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining …, 2015
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