Małgorzata Paprzycka
Two-photon and three-photon blockades in driven nonlinear systems
A Miranowicz, M Paprzycka, Y Liu, J Bajer, F Nori
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (2), 023809, 2013
State-dependent photon blockade via quantum-reservoir engineering
A Miranowicz, J Bajer, M Paprzycka, Y Liu, AM Zagoskin, F Nori
Physical Review A 90 (3), 033831, 2014
Phase-space interference of states optically truncated by quantum scissors: Generation of distinct superpositions of qudit coherent states by displacement of vacuum
A Miranowicz, M Paprzycka, A Pathak, F Nori
Physical Review A 89 (3), 033812, 2014
Discrete superpositions of coherent states and phase properties of the m-photon anharmonic oscillator
M Paprzycka, R Tanas
Quantum Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B 4 (5), 331, 1992
Fish collagen - molecular structure after thermal treatment
M Paprzycka, B Scheibe, S Jurga
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 132, 2018
Faraday effect and refractive index of some imidazolium-based room-temperature ionic liquids and magnetic ionic liquids
M Koralewski, M Paprzycka
Journal of Molecular Liquids 375, 121375, 2023
Faraday rotation enhancement for colloidal spherical Au and Ag nanoparticles and their mixtures
M Koralewski, M Paprzycka, A Goyal, K Gibasiewicz
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 588, 171461, 2023
The kinetics of aggregation of the Aβ1-40 peptide monitored by magnetooptical methods
M Koralewski, M Paprzycka, K Siposova, O Sobotka
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 171273, 2023
Medical Implementation of Raman Spectroscopy
W Paprzycka, M Paprzycka
Biofizyka a Medycyna 9, 2020
Pracownia Podstaw Eksperymentu Fizycznego
WBA Kotlowska M., Dobies M., Makrocka-Rydzyk- M., Paprzycka M.
Kolagen rybi–struktura molekularna i stabilność termiczna
M Paprzycka, B Scheibe, S Jurga
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 26 (6 (132)), 51-56, 2018
Inżynieria kwantowa z wykorzystaniem ośrodków kerrowskich: generacja kotów i kociąt Schrödingera oraz blokada fotonowa
M Paprzycka
Faraday Effect of Imidazole Derivatives
M Paprzycka, M Koralewski, M Baranowski
Available at SSRN 4510169, 0
Faraday effect of imidazole derivatives and imidazolium halide ionic liquids
M Paprzycka, M Koralewski, M Baranowski
Faraday rotation enhancement for colloidal Au and Ag spherical nanoparticles and their mixtures
M Paprzycka, A Goyal, K Gibasiewicz, M Koralewski
Raman spectroscopy for proteins–fish collagen study
M Paprzycka
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