cristina campian
cristina campian
在 dst.utcluj.ro 的电子邮件经过验证
Behavior of fully encased steel-concrete composite columns subjectedto monotonic and cyclic loading
C CAMPIAN, Haupt-Karp, M POP, Urian, N Chira, P P
5th International Conference civil engineering-Scienceand practice, Zabljak …, 2014
Behavior of Fully Encased Steel-Concrete Composite Columns Subjected to Monotonic and Cyclic Loading
C Campian, Z Nagy, M Pop
International Scientific Conference Urban Civil Engineering and Municipal …, 2015
Monotonic and cyclic behaviour of fully encased composite columns and dissipative interpretation for seismic design
JM Aribert, C Campian, V Pacurar
Balkema Publishers - Swets&Zeitlinger, STESSA, 115-122, 2003
Boosting construction project timeline: The case of critical chain project management (CCPM)
L Anastasiu, C Câmpian, N Roman
Buildings 13 (5), 1249, 2023
Structural upgrading of steel columns for overhead power lines
C Campian, N Chira, V Iuhos, M Pop, N Vatin
Procedia engineering 165, 876-882, 2016
Strength and ductility of concrete encased composite columns
C Cristina, S Vladut, C Nicolae, C Alexandru
STESSA, 661-670, 2012
Contribution à l'étude du comportement et au calcul de poteau mixtes acier-béton (sous des charges transversales de variation monotone ou cyclique alternée)| Theses. fr
CM Câmpian
Rennes, INSA, 2001
Technology and Education as Drivers of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Through the Lens of the New Science of Learning
I Stefan, N Barkoczi, T Todorov, I Peev, L Pop, C Marian, C Campian, ...
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 133-148, 2023
The Influence of TiO2 Nanoparticles on the Physico–Mechanical and Structural Characteristics of Cementitious Materials
CT Florean, H Vermesan, G Thalmaier, BV Neamtu, T Gabor, C Campian, ...
Coatings 14 (2), 218, 2024
Enhancing human security by transforming education through science, technology, and innovations
JH Coetzer, L Morales, P Flynn, L Pop, N Barkoczi, S Munteanu, ...
Cadmus 21 (1), 7, 2023
Finite element modelling of different strengthening strategies for reinforced concrete deep beams
V Gergely, M Pop, C Campian, N Chira
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 586 (1), 012023, 2019
Methods for elimination of dampness in Building walls
C Campian, M Pop
International Conference on Innovative Research 2016 - ICIR Euroinvent 2016 …, 2016
Composite steel-concrete columns with high strength concrete versus normal strength concrete
V Sav, C Campian, M Senila
Civil Engineering and Architecture 54 (1), 74-81, 2011
Design of composite columns in accordance with Eurocode 4
V Pacurar, C Moga, S Gutiu, C Campian
Taylor & Francis Group, 2006
Monotonic and cyclic behaviour of fully encased composite columns
C Campian, V Pacurar, I Petran, R Balc
Taylor and Francis Group, 2006
Methods for elimination of dampness in building walls
C Campian, A Streza,Tiberiu, Mathe, B Roxana
Acta Napocensis, 95-101, 2002
The European University of Technology-A perspective on building a pioneering higher education system based on a human-centred technology
L Grindei, C Campian, A Ciupe, L Todea, S Munteanu, L Moga
2022 31st Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in …, 2022
A simple computational tool for the verification of concrete walls reinforced by embedded steel profiles
T Bogdan, H Degée, A Plumier, C Campian
15 WCEE, 2012
The Influence of Semi-Rigid Connections upon the Performance of Steel Structures Seismically Excited
AE Mathe, AG Popa, C Campian
Editorial Board, 268, 2011
From Speaking Skills to Virtual Mobilities: Challenges of VR Technologies in Communication from the European University of Technology
A Ciupe, S Munteanu, A Parmaxi, A Nicolaou, O Gabaudan, S Nocchi, ...
2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1-4, 2023
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