Behzad Jandaghi
Behzad Jandaghi
Senior Power Systems Specialist, CYME International T&D – Eaton Ph.D., SMIEEE
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A novel rotor configuration for brushless doubly‐fed induction generators
H Gorginpour, B Jandaghi, H Oraee
IET Electric Power Applications 7 (2), 106-115, 2013
Hardware-in-the-loop emulation of linear induction motor drive for maglev application
B Jandaghi, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 44 (4), 679-686, 2016
Real-time HIL emulation of faulted electric machines based on nonlinear MEC model
B Jandaghi, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 34 (3), 1190-1199, 2019
Magnetic equivalent circuit modelling of brushless doubly‐fed induction generator
H Gorginpour, B Jandaghi, H Oraee, E Abdi
IET Renewable Power Generation 8 (3), 334-346, 2014
Real-time FEM computation of nonlinear magnetodynamics of moving structures on FPGA for HIL emulation
B Jandaghi, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (10), 7709-7718, 2018
Time and space harmonics in brushless doubly-fed machine
H Gorginpour, B Jandaghi, H Oraee
2011 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 1-6, 2011
Hysteresis loss in brushless doubly fed induction machines
M Ahmadian, B Jandaghi, H Oraee
Int. Conf. on Renewable Energy and Power Quality, 1-6, 2011
Reduction of the torque ripple in brushless doubly-fed machine
H Gorginpour, B Jandaghi, A Oraee, MA Saket, M Ahmadian, H Oraee
Proceedings of the 2011 3rd International Youth Conference on Energetics …, 2011
Magnetic field harmonic analysis in brushless doubly fed machine
H Gorginpour, B Jandaghi, MA Saket, A Oraee, H Oraee
Proceedings of the 2011 3rd International Youth Conference on Energetics …, 2011
Prototyping of nonlinear time-stepped finite element simulation for linear induction machines on parallel reconfigurable hardware
B Jandaghi, V Dinavahi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (10), 7711-7720, 2017
Maximum torque per ampere operation of brushless doubly fed induction machines
M Ahmadian, B Jandaghi, H Oraee
Renewable Energies Power Qual. J 1 (9), 981-985, 2011
Finite element analysis of brushless doubly-fed machine under stator winding faults
H Gorginpour, B Jandaghi, H Oraee
2011 2nd Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference, 169-174, 2011
A survey on rotor faults in brushless doubly fed machines
B Jandaghi, H Gorginpour, MA Saket, A Oraee, M Ahmadian, H Oraee
Proceedings of the 2011 3rd International Youth Conference on Energetics …, 2011
Thermal lumped parameter modeling of a toroidal transformer
MA Saket, B Jandaghi, M Moghaddami, H Oraee
Electric Power Engineering & Control Systems, 1-6, 2011
Fpga-based real-time simulation of a three-stage energy conversion system in electric aircrafts
B Jandaghi, LA Grégoire, JV Nava, S Cense, J Bélanger
2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2020
Real-Time Hardware-in-the-Loop Emulation of Electric Machines for Electrified Transportation Systems
B Jandaghi
Eddy current losses in brushless doubly-fed machines
M Ahmadian, B Jandaghi, A Oraee, MA Saket, H Gorginpour, H Oraee
Proceedings of the 2011 3rd International Youth Conference on Energetics …, 2011
Optimal reactive power flow in BDFMs for converter cost reduction and efficiency improvement
B Jandaghi, H Gorginpour, MN Hashemnia, H Oraee
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 25 (6), 4636 …, 2017
Stator Currents for Maximum Torque per Ampere of BDFM
M Ahmadian, B Jandaghi, H Oraee, A Oraee
Optimal Converter Rating for Brushless Doubly Fed Machines
B Jandaghi, F Barati, HGH Oraee
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