Brenna R. Forester
Brenna R. Forester
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
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Comparing methods for detecting multilocus adaptation with multivariate genotype-environment associations
BR Forester, JR Lasky, HH Wagner, DL Urban
Molecular Ecology 27 (9), 2215-2233, 2018
Considering adaptive genetic variation in climate change vulnerability assessment reduces species range loss projections
O Razgour, BR Forester, JB Taggart, M Bekaert, J Juste, C Ibáñez, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (21), 10418-10423, 2019
Detecting spatial genetic signatures of local adaptation in heterogeneous landscapes
BR Forester, MR Jones, S Joost, EL Landguth, JR Lasky
Molecular Ecology 25 (1), 104-120, 2016
Guidelines for planning genomic assessment and monitoring of locally adaptive variation to inform species conservation
SP Flanagan*, BR Forester*, EK Latch, SN Aitken, S Hoban, ...
Evolutionary Applications 11 (7), 1035-1052, 2017
Improving conservation policy with genomics: a guide to integrating adaptive potential into US Endangered Species Act decisions for conservation practitioners and geneticists
WC Funk, BR Forester, SJ Converse, C Darst, S Morey
Conservation Genetics 20, 115-134, 2019
Redundancy Analysis (RDA): a Swiss Army knife for landscape genomics
T Capblancq, BR Forester
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2021
High performance computation of landscape genomic models including local indicators of spatial association
S Stucki, P Orozco‐terWengel, BR Forester, S Duruz, L Colli, C Masembe, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 17 (5), 1072-1089, 2017
Integrating ensemble species distribution modelling and statistical phylogeography to inform projections of climate change impacts on species distributions
BR Forester, EG DeChaine, AG Bunn
Diversity and Distributions 19 (12), 1480-1495, 2013
Recent advances in conservation and population genomics data analysis
S Hendricks, EC Anderson, T Antao, L Bernatchez, BR Forester, B Garner, ...
Evolutionary Applications 11 (8), 1197-1211, 2018
Integrating landscape genomics and spatially explicit approaches to detect loci under selection in clinal populations
M Jones*, BR Forester*, A Teufel, R Adams, D Anstett, B Goodrich, ...
Evolution 67 (12), 3455–3468, 2013
Combining genotype, phenotype, and environmental data to delineate site‐adjusted provenance strategies for ecological restoration
CS Carvalho, BR Forester, SK Mitre, R Alves, VL Imperatriz‐Fonseca, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 21 (1), 44-58, 2021
An assessment of high carbon stock and high conservation value approaches to sustainable oil palm cultivation in Gabon
KG Austin, ME Lee, C Clark, BR Forester, DL Urban, L White, ...
Environmental Research Letters 12 (1), 014005, 2017
Linking evolutionary potential to extinction risk: applications and future directions
BR Forester, EA Beever, C Darst, J Szymanski, WC Funk
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 9, 2022
Coherent synthesis of genomic associations with phenotypes and home environments
JR Lasky, BR Forester, M Reimherr
Molecular Ecology Resources 18 (1), 91-106, 2018
Genomic signatures of thermal adaptation are associated with clinal shifts of life history in a broadly distributed frog
H Cayuela, Y Dorant, BR Forester, DL Jeffries, RM Mccaffery, LA Eby, ...
The Journal of Animal Ecology, 2021
Spatial detection of outlier loci with Moran eigenvector maps
HH Wagner, M Chávez‐Pesqueira, BR Forester
Molecular Ecology Resources 17 (6), 1122-1135, 2017
Integrating environmental, molecular, and morphological data to unravel an ice‐age radiation of arctic‐alpine Campanula in western North America
EG DeChaine, BM Wendling, BR Forester
Ecology and Evolution 4 (20), 3940-3959, 2014
Deep genetic divergence between disjunct refugia in the arctic-alpine King’s Crown, Rhodiola integrifolia (Crassulaceae)
EG DeChaine, BR Forester, H Schaefer, CC Davis
PLOS ONE 8 (11), e79451, 2013
Population structure in a continuously distributed coastal marine species, the harbor porpoise, based on microhaplotypes derived from poor quality samples
PA Morin, BR Forester, KA Forney, CA Crossman, BL Hancock-Hanser, ...
Molecular Ecology, 2021
Modeling multilocus selection in an individual‐based, spatially‐explicit landscape genetics framework
EL Landguth, BR Forester, AJ Eckert, AJ Shirk, M Menon, A Whipple, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 20, 605-615, 2020
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