Mehdi gholamnia
Mehdi gholamnia
Postdoctoral Researcher, Remote sensing and GIS
在 ucd.ie 的电子邮件经过验证
Performance evaluation of sentinel-2 and landsat 8 OLI data for land cover/use classification using a comparison between machine learning algorithms
L Ghayour, A Neshat, S Paryani, H Shahabi, A Shirzadi, W Chen, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (7), 1349, 2021
Evaluation of the landslide susceptibility and its spatial difference in the whole Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau region by five learning algorithms
S Payam, S Yan-Fang, G Mehdi, B Stefania, M Saumitra
Geoscience Letters 9 (9), 1-25, 2022
Spatiotemporal Analysis of MODIS NDVI in the Semi-Arid Region of Kurdistan (Iran)
M Gholamnia, R Khandan, S Bonafoni, A Sadeghi
Remote sensing 11 (14), 2019
Diurnal air temperature modeling based on the land surface temperature
M Gholamnia, SK Alavipanah, A Darvishi Boloorani, S Hamzeh, ...
Remote Sensing 9 (9), 915, 2017
Performance Evaluation of Long NDVI Timeseries from AVHRR, MODIS and Landsat Sensors over Landslide-Prone Locations in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
P Sajadi, YF Sang, M Gholamnia, S Bonafoni, L Brocca, B Pradhan, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (16), 3172, 2021
Characterization of maximum land surface temperatures in 16 years from MODIS in Iran
K Reza, G Mehdi, D Si-Bo, G Mehrnoosh, A Seyed Kazem
Environmental Earth Sciences 77 (450), 2018
Spatio-temporal monitoring of agricultural drought using remotely sensed data (Case study of Markazi province of Iran)
H Saeid, F Zahra, M Shahriar, C Omid, G Mehdi
Journal of Spatial Analysis Environmental hazarts 4 (3), 53-70, 2017
Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture and Brightness Temperature in Land Surface Models: A Review
R Khandan, JP Wigneron, S Bonafoni, AP Biazar, M Gholamnia
Remote Sensing 14 (3), 770, 2022
An Analysis of the Discrepancies between MODIS and INSAT-3D LSTs in High Temperatures
RK Seyed Kazem Alavipanah,Qihao Weng, Mehdi Gholamnia
Remote Sensing 347, 9, 2017
Snow line elevation variability under the effect of climate variations in the Zagros Mountains: case study of Oshtorankooh
G Mehrnoosh, M Masoumeh, G Mehdi, P Petri
Environmental Earth Sciences 78 (12), 348, 2019
A new method to model diurnal air temperature cycle
M Gholamnia, SK Alavipanah, AD Boloorani, S Hamzeh, M Kiavarz
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 137 (1–2), 229–238, 2018
Effect of using different types of threshold schemes (in wavelet space) on noise reduction over GPS times series
K Moghtased-Azar, M Gholamnia
Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology 4 (1), 51-66, 2014
Spatio-temporal analysis of diurnal air temperature parameterization in Weather Stations over Iran
M Gholamnia, R Khandan, A Darvishi Boloorani, S Hamzeh, M Gharaylou, ...
Desert 23 (1), 107-121, 2018
Spectral-based regression model for destriping of abnormal pixel values in PRISMA hyperspectral image
P Sajadi, M Gholamnia, S Bonafoni, F Pilla
European Journal of Remote Sensing 55 (1), 622-643, 2022
Automated Pixel Purification for Delineating Pervious and Impervious Surfaces in a City Using Advanced Hyperspectral Imagery Techniques
P Sajadi, M Gholamnia, S Bonafoni, G Mills, YF Sang, Z Li, S Khan, J Han, ...
IEEE Access, 2024
Evaluation of remote sensing-based drought monitoring indexes using support vector regression and random forest models (Case study: Marivan city)
J Seyedi Ghaldareh, S Ahmadi, M Gholamnia
Engineering Journal of Geospatial Information Technology 10 (3), 121-141, 2023
Analysis of the effect of drought on the phenology parameters of vegetation indexes from the time series of MODIS sensor images (case study: Hamadan province)
V Sharifi, S Ahmadi, M Gholamnia
Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology 12 (2), 152-166, 2023
Evaluating Capability of Reflectance Spectrometry for Estimating the Wheat Chlorophyll and Nitrogen
A Sadeghi, S Mirzaei, S Chakherlou, M Gholamnia, HA Bahrami
Iranian Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS 14 (4), 119-134, 2022
Diurnal Temperature Cycle Analysis in Various Land types and Comparison with MODIS Land Surface Temperature
M Gholamnia, M Ghadimi, M Moghbel, R Khandan
Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology 11 (3), 125-132, 2022
Comparison of MODIS, SEVIRI and INSAT-3D Land Surface Temperature (LST)
M Gholamnia, S Ahmadi, R Khandan, SK Alavipanah, ...
Journal of Radar and Optical Remote Sensing and GIS 3 (4), 7-22, 2020
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