Daniela Kühn
Daniela Kühn
在 norsar.no 的电子邮件经过验证
Seismic arrays
J Schweitzer, J Fyen, S Mykkeltveit, SJ Gibbons, M Pirli, D Kühn, ...
New manual of seismological observatory practice 2 (NMSOP-2), 1-80, 2012
Experimental investigation of acoustic emissions and their moment tensors in rock during failure
E Aker, D Kühn, V Vavryčuk, M Soldal, V Oye
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 70, 286-295, 2014
Automated microearthquake location using envelope stacking and robust global optimization
HN Gharti, V Oye, M Roth, D Kühn
Geophysics 75 (4), MA27-MA46, 2010
Moment tensor inversion of waveforms: a two‐step time‐frequency approach
V Vavryčuk, D Kühn
Geophysical Journal International 190 (3), 1761-1776, 2012
Grond: A probabilistic earthquake source inversion framework
S Heimann, M Isken, D Kühn, H Sudhaus, A Steinberg, S Daout, S Cesca, ...
GFZ Data Services, 2018
Recommendation for the discrimination of human-related and natural seismicity
T Dahm, D Becker, M Bischoff, S Cesca, B Dost, R Fritschen, S Hainzl, ...
Journal of seismology 17 (1), 197-202, 2013
Combining microseismic and geomechanical observations to interpret storage integrity at the In Salah CCS site
BP Goertz-Allmann, D Kühn, V Oye, B Bohloli, E Aker
Geophysical Journal International 198 (1), 447-461, 2014
B09310 Historical tsunamis and present tsunami hazard in eastern Indonesia and the southern Philippines (doi 10.1029/2012JB009425)
F Lovholt, D Kühn, H Bungum, CB Harbitz, S Glimsdal
Journal of Geophysical Research-Part B-Solid Earth 117 (9), 2012
Microseismic monitoring and interpretation of injection data from the In Salah CO 2 storage site (Krechba), Algeria
V Oye, E Aker, TM Daley, D Kühn, B Bohloli, V Korneev
Energy Procedia 37, 4191-4198, 2013
Stochastic analysis of tsunami runup due to heterogeneous coseismic slip and dispersion
F Løvholt, G Pedersen, S Bazin, D Kühn, RE Bredesen, C Harbitz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 117 (C3), 2012
Probabilistic moment tensor inversion for hydrocarbon‐induced seismicity in the Groningen gas field, the Netherlands, part 1: Testing
D Kühn, S Heimann, MP Isken, E Ruigrok, B Dost
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 110 (5), 2095-2111, 2020
Evidence for tensile faulting deduced from full waveform moment tensor inversion during the stimulation of the Basel enhanced geothermal system
P Zhao, D Kühn, V Oye, S Cesca
Geothermics 52, 74-83, 2014
Probabilistic moment tensor inversion for hydrocarbon‐induced seismicity in the Groningen gas field, the Netherlands, part 2: Application
B Dost, A van Stiphout, D Kühn, M Kortekaas, E Ruigrok, S Heimann
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 110 (5), 2112-2123, 2020
Determination of full moment tensors of microseismic events in a very heterogeneous mining environment
D Kühn, V Vavryčuk
Tectonophysics 589, 33-43, 2013
Simultaneous microearthquake location and moment-tensor estimation using time-reversal imaging
HN Gharti, V Oye, D Kühn, P Zhao
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2011, 1632-1637, 2011
Numerical modelling of dyke interaction and its influence on oceanic crust formation
D Kühn, T Dahm
Tectonophysics 447 (1), 53-65, 2008
Rupture process of the 2001 May 7 Mw 4.3 Ekofisk induced earthquake
S Cesca, T Dahm, C Juretzek, D Kühn
Geophysical Journal International 187 (1), 407-413, 2011
Probabilistic earthquake hazard assessment for Peninsular India
C Lindholm, IA Parvez, D Kühn
Journal of Seismology 20 (2), 629-653, 2016
Anthropogenic seismicity in Italy and its relation to tectonics: State of the art and perspectives
T Braun, S Cesca, D Kühn, A Martirosian-Janssen, T Dahm
Anthropocene 21, 80-94, 2018
Simulation of magma ascent by dykes in the mantle beneath mid-ocean ridges
D Kühn, T Dahm
Journal of Geodynamics 38 (2), 147-159, 2004
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