Antonio L. Padilha
Antonio L. Padilha
在 inpe.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Geomagnetically induced currents in an electric power transmission system at low latitudes in Brazil: A case study
NB Trivedi, Í Vitorello, W Kabata, SLG Dutra, AL Padilha, MS Bologna, ...
Space weather 5 (4), 2007
Cloud‐to‐ground lightning in southeastern Brazil in 1993: 1. Geographical distribution
O Pinto Jr, I Pinto, M Gomes, I Vitorello, AL Padilha, JH Diniz, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104 (D24), 31369-31379, 1999
Global Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations of March 24, 1991, as observed along the American sector
NB Trivedi, BR Arora, AL Padilha, JM Da Costa, SLG Dutra, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 24 (13), 1683-1686, 1997
Electromagnetic constraints for subduction zones beneath the northwest Borborema province: Evidence for Neoproterozoic island arc–continent collision in northeast Brazil
AL Padilha, Í Vitorello, MB Pádua, MS Bologna
Geology 42 (1), 91-94, 2014
Characteristics of the equatorial electrojet determined from an array of magnetometers in N-NE Brazil
A Rigoti, C FH, T NB, P AL
Earth, planets and space 51 (2), 115-128, 1999
Deep structure of a stretched lithosphere: Magnetotelluric imaging of the southeastern Borborema province, NE Brazil
ACL Santos, AL Padilha, RA Fuck, ACB Pires, I Vitorello, MB Padua
Tectonophysics 610, 39-50, 2014
Magnetotelluric deep soundings, gravity and geoid in the south São Francisco craton: Geophysical indicators of cratonic lithosphere rejuvenation and crustal underplating
LGR Pinto, MB de Pádua, N Ussami, Í Vitorello, AL Padilha, C Braitenberg
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 297 (3-4), 423-434, 2010
Signatures of continental collisions and magmatic activity in central Brazil as indicated by a magnetotelluric profile across distinct tectonic provinces
MS Bologna, AL Padilha, Í Vitorello, MB Pádua
Precambrian Research 185 (1-2), 55-64, 2011
Cryptic signatures of Neoproterozoic accretionary events in northeast Brazil imaged by magnetotellurics: Implications for the assembly of West Gondwana
AL Padilha, I Vitorello, MB Pádua, RA Fuck
Tectonophysics 699, 164-177, 2017
Lithospheric and sublithospheric anisotropy beneath central-southeastern Brazil constrained by long period magnetotelluric data
AL Padilha, Í Vitorello, MB Pádua, MS Bologna
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 158 (2-4), 190-209, 2006
Disturbances on magnetotelluric data due to DC electrified railway: A case study from southeastern Brazil
MB Pádua, AL Padilha, Í Vitorello
Earth, planets and space 54, 591-596, 2002
Imaging three‐dimensional crustal conductivity structures reflecting continental flood basalt effects hidden beneath thick intracratonic sedimentary basin
AL Padilha, Í Vitorello, CE Antunes, MB Pádua
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (7), 4702-4719, 2015
The embrace magnetometer network for South America: Network description and its qualification
CM Denardini, SS Chen, LCA Resende, J Moro, AV Bilibio, PR Fagundes, ...
Radio Science 53 (3), 288-302, 2018
Deep magnetotelluric signatures of the early Neoproterozoic Cariris Velhos tectonic event within the Transversal sub-province of the Borborema Province, NE Brazil
AL Padilha, Í Vitorello, MB Pádua, RA Fuck
Precambrian Research 275, 70-83, 2016
Inversion of teleseismic receiver function and magnetotelluric sounding to determine basement depth in the Paraná Basin, SE Brazil
I Zevallos, M Assumpção, AL Padilha
Journal of Applied Geophysics 68 (2), 231-242, 2009
Geophysical constraints on tectonic models of the Taubaté Basin, southeastern Brazil
AL Padilha, NB Trivedi, I Vitorello, JM Da Costa
Tectonophysics 196 (1-2), 157-172, 1991
Deep conductivity structure beneath the northern Brasília belt, central Brazil: Evidence for a Neoproterozoic arc-continent collision
AL Padilha, I Vitorello, MB Pádua
Gondwana Research 23 (2), 748-758, 2013
2-D geoelectrical model for the Parnaı́ba Basin conductivity anomaly of northeast Brazil and tectonic implications
BR Arora, AL Padilha, I Vitorello, NB Trivedi, SL Fontes, A Rigoti, ...
Tectonophysics 302 (1-2), 57-69, 1999
Anomalous electrical structure in the northwestern Paraná Basin, Brazil, observed with broadband magnetotellurics
MS Bologna, HO Nunes, AL Padilha, Í Vitorello, MB Pádua
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 42, 74-82, 2013
Tectonic insight into a pericratonic subcrustal lithosphere affected by anorogenic Cretaceous magmatism in central Brazil inferred from long-period Magnetotellurics
MS Bologna, AL Padilha, Í Vitorello, SL Fontes
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241 (3-4), 603-616, 2006
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