Gil Nata
Gil Nata
CIIE-UP (Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas da Universidade do Porto)
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University students’ sense of belonging to the home town: The role of residential mobility
E Cicognani, I Menezes, G Nata
Social Indicators Research 104, 33-45, 2011
Unfairness in access to higher education: a 11 year comparison of grade inflation by private and public secondary schools in Portugal
G Nata, MJ Pereira, T Neves
Higher Education 68, 851-874, 2014
Diferença cultural e democracia: Identidade, cidadania e tolerância na relação entre maioria e minorias
G Nata
PQDT-Global, 2007
Social inequality in access to higher education: grade inflation in private schools and the ineffectiveness of compensatory education
T Neves, H Ferraz, G Nata
International Studies in Sociology of Education 26 (2), 190-210, 2017
Literature review on early childhood education and care for children under the age of 3
J Cadima, G Nata, S Barros, V Coelho, C Barata
OECD, 2020
Differentiating hypoglycemia awareness status from hypoglycemia experience in tools for measuring impaired awareness of hypoglycemia
E Sepulveda, R Poínhos, G Nata, D Carvalho, JS Neves, D Seixas, ...
Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics 22 (7), 541-545, 2020
Internet survey among staff working in formal and informal (education) sectors in ten European countries
P Slot, B Romijn, J Cadima, G Nata, O Wyslowska
Head teachers' perceptions of secondary school rankings: Their nature, media coverage and impact on schools and the educational arena
T Neves, MJ Pereira, G Nata
Education as Change 18 (2), 211-225, 2014
One-dimensional school rankings: a non-neutral device that conceals and naturalises inequalities.
T Neves, J Pereira, G Nata
International Journal on School Disaffection 9 (1), 2012
A participação política da juventude em Portugal
M Silva, M Fernandes-Jesus, M Loff, G Nata, I Menezes
Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2022
Parent-and family-focused support in Portugal: Context and analysis of services/programmes from an equity perspective
G Nata, J Cadima
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 36, 269-283, 2019
A eficácia dos programas de educação compensatória nos resultados escolares: análise do programa nacional português de educação compensatória ao longo de 13 anos
H Ferraz, T Neves, G Nata
Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação 26 (100), 1058-1083, 2018
Elaboration of countertransference experience and the workings of the working alliance.
JF Barreto, G Nata, PM Matos
Psychotherapy 57 (2), 141, 2020
A virtual learning environment model of professional development aimed at enhancing diversity and inclusiveness
P Slot, B Romijn, G Nata
Has the Portuguese compensatory education program been successful in reducing disadvantaged schools’ performance gaps? A 15-year quantitative analysis of national exams
H Ferraz, T Neves, G Nata
Education Sciences 9 (4), 270, 2019
A emergência e evolução da educação compensatória na teoria e na prática: Fragilidades e possibilidades
H Ferraz, T Neves, G Nata
Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 83-103, 2018
Inventory and analysis of promising and evidence-based parent-and family-focused support programs
J Cadima, G Nata, M Evangelou, Y Anders
Parent and family focused support to increase educational equality: central assumptions and core concepts
Y Anders, J Cadima, M Evangelou, G Nata
O impacto do programa TEIP nos resultados dos exames nacionais ao longo de 12 anos
H Ferraz, D Enes, T Neves, G Nata
MELO, BP et al. Entre a crise e a euforia: práticas e políticas educativas …, 2014
O suporte a direitos de minorias culturais e o desenvolvimento moral.
G Nata, I Menezes
Universidade do Minho, 2010
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