Pedro G. Vieira
Pedro G. Vieira
Research Associate, McGill University
在 mcgill.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Transcranial alternating current stimulation entrains single-neuron activity in the primate brain
MR Krause, PG Vieira, BA Csorba, PK Pilly, CC Pack
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (12), 5747-5755, 2019
tACS entrains neural activity while somatosensory input is blocked
PG Vieira, MR Krause, CC Pack
PLoS Biology 18 (10), e3000834, 2020
Brain stimulation competes with ongoing oscillations for control of spike timing in the primate brain
MR Krause, PG Vieira, JP Thivierge, CC Pack
PLoS biology 20 (5), e3001650, 2022
An open-source, FireWire camera-based, Labview-controlled image acquisition system for automated, dynamic pupillometry and blink detection
JKS De Souza, MA da Silva Pinto, PG Vieira, J Baron, CJ Tierra-Criollo
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 112 (3), 607-623, 2013
Reply to Khatoun et al.: Speculation about brain stimulation must be constrained by observation
MR Krause, PG Vieira, BA Csorba, PK Pilly, CC Pack
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (45), 22440-22441, 2019
Contrast response functions in the visual wulst of the alert burrowing owl: a single-unit study
PG Vieira, JPM de Sousa, J Baron
Journal of Neurophysiology 116 (4), 1765-1784, 2016
Efeito do escotoma temporal causado pelo piscar na atividade dos neurônios do Wulst visual da coruja buraqueira (Athene cunicularia)
PG Vieira
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2014
Simple and complex cells in the visual wulst of the burrowing owl: two distinct classes or opposite ends of a stimulus-dependent continuum?
JPM De Sousa, ALT Maia, PG Vieira, CS De Amorim, L Pinto, CJT Criollo, ...
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