Lucas Rivoirard
Lucas Rivoirard
Traffic engineering project manager
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Chain-Branch-Leaf: A clustering scheme for vehicular networks using only V2V communications
L Rivoirard, M Wahl, P Sondi, M Berbineau, D Gruyer
Ad Hoc Networks 68, 70-84, 2018
Performance evaluation of AODV, DSR, GRP and OLSR for VANET with real-world trajectories
L Rivoirard, M Wahl, P Sondi, M Berbineau, D Gruyer
2017 15th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST), 1-7, 2017
Multipoint relaying versus chain-branch-leaf clustering performance in optimized link state routing-based vehicular ad hoc networks
L Rivoirard, M Wahl, P Sondi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 21 (3), 1034-1043, 2019
CBL: A clustering scheme for VANETs
L Rivoirard, M Wahl, P Sondi, M Berbineau, D Gruyer
VEHICULAR 2017-The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular …, 2017
Using Real-World Car Traffic Dataset in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Performance Evaluation
L Rivoirard, M Wahl, P Sondi, M Berbineau, D Gruyer
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications …, 2016
A cooperative vehicle ego-localization application using v2v communications with cbl clustering
L Rivoirard, M Wahl, P Sondi, D Gruyer, M Berbineau
2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 722-727, 2018
Performance evaluation of 802.11 p-based ad hoc vehicle-to-vehicle communications for usual applications under realistic urban mobility
P Sondi, M Wahl, L Rivoirard, O Cohin
International journal of advanced computer science and applications (IJACSA …, 2016
Simulation of a clustering scheme for vehicular ad hoc networks using a devs-based virtual laboratory environment
E Chebbi, P Sondi, E Ramat, L Rivoirard, M Wahl
Procedia computer science 130, 344-351, 2018
Using polar coordinates to filter trajectories data without adding extra physical constraints
C Buisson, D Villegas, L Rivoirard
Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting 16, 2016
Performance evaluation of vehicle-to-vehicle communications for a collective perception application in vehicular ad hoc networks
P Sondi, L Rivoirard, M Wahl
2018 IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 2018
From multipoint relaying to chain-branch-leaf: Improving the clustering in OLSR for vehicular ad hoc networks
L Rivoirard, M Wahl, P Sondi, M Berbineau, D Gruyer
2017 IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology (SCVT), 1-5, 2017
Enhanced CBL clustering performance versus GRP, OLSR and AODV in vehicular Ad Hoc networks
M Wahl, P Sondi, L Rivoirard
Telecommunication Systems 76 (4), 525-540, 2021
Supporting multiple cooperative applications through vehicle-to-vehicle communications
S Patrick, R Lucas, W Martine
2019 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS), 1-6, 2019
Modèle d'auto-organisation pour les protocoles de routage dans les réseaux ad hoc de véhicules: application à la perception élargie et à la localisation coopératives
L Rivoirard
Université de Lille, 2018
A new clustering structure for VANET
L Rivoirard, M Wahl, P Sondi, M Berbineau, D Gruyer
7th Transport Research Arena TRA, 9p, 2018
Proposition d'une structuration dynamique d'un réseau de communication intervéhiculaire pour les ITS
L Rivoirard, M Wahl, P Sondi, M Berbineau, D Gruyer
RDMI 2018, Les rencontres de la mobilité intelligente, ATEC ITS FRANCE, 11p, 2018
MODALES D6. 4: Impact assessment report
G Saint Pierre, PH Salmane, L Rivoirard, G Costeseque, J Garrigos, ...
Cerema-Centre d'Etudes et d'Expertise sur les Risques, l'Environnement, la …, 2023
Véhicules coopératifs et communicants: application à la perception élargie
L Rivoirard, M Wahl, P Sondi
2e Rencontres Francophones Transport Mobilité (RFTM), 4, 2019
Modèle d'auto-organisation pour réseaux ad hoc véhiculaires: application à la perception élargie coopérative
L Rivoirard, M Wahl, P Sondi
46ème Congrès ATEC ITS France, Les Rencontres de la Mobilité Intelligente …, 2019
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