Marius Vileiniskis
Marius Vileiniskis
Research Fellow in System Reliability Modelling, University Of Nottingham
在 nottingham.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
A fault detection method for railway point systems
M Vileiniskis, R Remenyte-Prescott, D Rama
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of …, 2016
Quantitative risk prognostics framework based on Petri Net and Bow-Tie models
M Vileiniskis, R Remenyte-Prescott
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 165, 62-73, 2017
Fault detection and diagnostics of a three-phase separator
M Vileiniskis, R Remenyte-Prescott, D Rama, J Andrews
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 41, 215-230, 2016
Fault diagnostics for railway point machines
M Vileiniskis, R Remenyte-Prescott, D Rama, J Andrews
20th advances in risk and reliability technology symposium (AR2TS), at …, 2013
Extended Bow-Tie model for asset risk and reliability modeling: application to a passenger lift
M Vileiniskis, R Remenyte-Prescott
Fault detection and diagnosis methods for engineering systems
M Vileiniskis
University of Nottingham, 2015
Bioekvivalentiškumo tyrimo modeliai ir programinės priemonės
M Vileiniškis
Extended Bow-Tie model for asset risk and reliability modeling: application to a passenger lift. In: ESREL 2016, 25-29 Sept 2016, Glasgow, UK.
M Vileiniskis, R Remenyte-Prescott
Rama, Dovile and Andrews, John D.(2016) Bayesian belief networks for fault detection and diagnostics of a three-phase separator. In: ESREL 2016, 25-29 Sept 2016, Glasgow, UK …
M Vileiniskis, R Remenyte-Prescott
Rama, Dovile (2016) A fault detection method for railway point systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 230 …
M Vileiniskis, R Remenyte-Prescott
Rama, Dovile and Andrews, John (2016) Fault detection and diagnostics of a three-phase separator. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 41. pp. 215-230. ISSN …
M Vileiniskis, R Remenyte-Prescott
Bayesian belief networks for fault detection and diagnostics of a three-phase separator
M Vileiniskis, R Remenyte-Prescott, D Rama, JD Andrews
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