samah ismaiel
samah ismaiel
Assistant Professor
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Fostering knowledge sharing behaviour among public sector managers: a proposed model for the Malaysian public service
G Tangaraja, R Mohd Rasdi, M Ismail, B Abu Samah
Journal of knowledge management 19 (1), 121-140, 2015
Knowledge sharing is knowledge transfer: a misconception in the literature
G Tangaraja, R Mohd Rasdi, B Abu Samah, M Ismail
Journal of knowledge management 20 (4), 653-670, 2016
Predictors of workplace deviant behaviour: HRD agenda for Malaysian support personnel
M Alias, R Mohd Rasdi, M Ismail, B Abu Samah
European Journal of Training and Development 37 (2), 161-182, 2013
Community as stakeholder of the corporate social responsibility programme in Malaysia: Outcomes in community development
M Ismail, SN Alias, R Mohd Rasdi
Social Responsibility Journal 11 (1), 109-130, 2015
Predicting Malaysian managers' objective and subjective career success
R Mohd Rasdi, M Ismail, TN Garavan
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 22 (17), 3528-3549, 2011
Towards developing a theoretical framework for measuring public sector managers' career success
R Mohd Rasdi, M Ismail, J Uli, S Mohd Noah
Journal of European Industrial Training 33 (3), 232-254, 2009
High‐flyer women academicians: factors contributing to success
M Ismail, R Mohd Rasdi, N Wahiza Abdul Wahat
Women in Management Review 20 (2), 117-132, 2005
Modelling knowledge sharing behaviour using self-efficacy as a mediator
J Brooke, RM Rasdi, BA Samah
European Journal of Training and Development 41 (2), 144-159, 2017
Networking behaviours and managers' career success in the Malaysian public service: The moderating effect of gender
R Mohd Rasdi, T N. Garavan, M Ismail
Personnel review 42 (6), 684-703, 2013
A career success model for academics at Malaysian research universities
AM Abu Said, R Mohd Rasdi, B Abu Samah, AD Silong, S Sulaiman
European Journal of Training and Development 39 (9), 815-835, 2015
Influences of individual-related factors and job satisfaction on workplace deviant behaviour among support personnel in Malaysian public service organizations
M Alias, R Mohd Rasdi, M Ismail, B Abu Samah
Human Resource Development International 16 (5), 538-557, 2013
Promoting protean career through employability culture and mentoring: Career strategies as moderator
SC Wong, R Mohd Rasdi, B Abu Samah, NW Abdul Wahat
European Journal of Training and Development 41 (3), 277-302, 2017
Talent development environment and workplace adaptation: The mediating effects of organisational support
M Kunasegaran, M Ismail, R Mohd Rasdi, I Arif Ismail, T Ramayah
European Journal of Training and Development 40 (6), 370-389, 2016
Impact of T-shaped skill and top management support on innovation speed; the moderating role of technology uncertainty
S Hamdi, AD Silong, Z Binti Omar, R Mohd Rasdi
Cogent Business & Management 3 (1), 1153768, 2016
Predictors of protean career and the moderating role of career strategies among professionals in Malaysian Electrical and Electronics (E & E) Industry
SC Wong, R Mohd Rasdi
European Journal of training and Development 39 (5), 409-428, 2015
Networking and managers' career success in the Malaysian public sector: The moderating effect of managerial level
R Mohd Rasdi, TN Garavan, M Ismail
European Journal of Training and Development 36 (2/3), 195-212, 2012
Gender empowerment measure in political achievement in selected developed and developing countries
M Ismail, R Mohd Rasdi, A Nadirah Abd. Jamal
Gender in Management: An International Journal 26 (5), 380-392, 2011
Towards developing a theoretical model on the determinants of workplace deviance among support personnel in the Malaysian public service organizations
A Mazni, MR Roziah
12th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and …, 2011
Orientation, attitude, and competency as predictors of manager’s role of CSR-implementing companies in Malaysia
M Ismail, M Ibnu Kassim, M Rozi Mohd Amit, R Mohd Rasdi
European Journal of Training and Development 38 (5), 415-435, 2014
Understanding proactive behaviours and career success: Evidence from an emerging economy
RM Rasdi, TN Garavan, M Ismail
Organizations and markets in emerging economies 2 (2), 53-71, 2011
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