Krzysztof Rutkowski
Krzysztof Rutkowski
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Poznan University of Life Science
在 up.poznan.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
Improving of cherry fruit quality and bearing regularity by chemical thinning with fertilizer
R Kurlus, K Rutkowski, GP Łysiak
Agronomy 10 (9), 1281, 2020
Effect of storage conditions on storability and antioxidant potential of pears cv.‘conference’
GP Łysiak, K Rutkowski, D Walkowiak-Tomczak
Agriculture 11 (6), 545, 2021
Thinning methods to regulate sweet cherry crops—A review
K Rutkowski, GP Łysiak
Applied Sciences 12 (3), 1280, 2022
A Comparison of Selected Biochemical and Physical Characteristics and Yielding of Fruits in Apple Cultivars (Malus domestica Borkh.)
HK Yoon, T Kleiber, Z Zydlik, K Rutkowski, A Woźniak, S Świerczyński, ...
Agronomy 10 (4), 458, 2020
Effect of tree pruning intensity on the yield and fruit quality of the sour cherry.
K Rutkowski, Z Zydlik, E Pacholak
Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 102 (4), 2015
Weather conditions, orchard age and nitrogen fertilization influences yield and quality of ‘Łutówka’sour cherry fruit
K Rutkowski, GP Łysiak
Agriculture 12 (12), 2008, 2022
Effect of tree pruning intensity on the content of mineral components in the sour cherry leaves of ‘Łutówka’
K Rutkowski, Z Zydlik, A Stachowiak
Folia horticulturae 30 (1), 47-55, 2018
The influence of a mycorrhizal vaccine on the biochemical properties of soil in the plantation of blueberry.
Z Zydlik, E Pacholak, K Rutkowski, K STYŁA, P Zydlik
Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 103 (1), 2016
Effect of cherry nitrogen fertilization on the content of minerals in the leaves and soil
E Pacholak, Z Zydlik, K Rutkowski
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus 10 (1), 105-112, 2011
Effect of soil fatigue prevention methods on microbiological soil status in replanted apple tree orchard. Part III. Number of fungi and actinomycetes
Z Zydlik, K Rutkowski, E Pacholak
Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities (EJPAU) 9 (4), 58, 2006
Effect of nitrogen fertilization in the sour cherry orchard on soil enzymatic activities, microbial population, and fruit quality
K Rutkowski, GP Łysiak, Z Zydlik
Agriculture 12 (12), 2069, 2022
The effect of climatic conditions in successive plant growing seasons on the response of selected varieties of apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh.)
Z Zydlik, K Rutkowski, S Swierczynski, I Morkunas, HK Yoon, JH Seo, ...
Journal of Elementology 25 (1), 2020
Effect of Actisil preparation on the growth of strawberries grown in the soil depleted by a long monoculture
Z Zydlik, E Pacholak, K Rutkowski
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, 2009
Effect of 30-year cultivation of apple trees on chemical and biochemical conditions of soil designed for replantation
E Pacholak, Z Zydlik, K Rutkowski
Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, 2009
Effect of irrigation and fertilization on the growth and yielding of apple-trees cultivar Šampion in a replanted orchard
E Pacholak, Z Zydlik, M Zachwieja, K Rutkowski
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus 6 (3), 3-13, 2007
Effect of soil fatigue prevention methods on microbiological soil status in replanted apple tree orchard. Part I. Number of nematodes. EJPAU
E Pacholak, K Rutkowski, Z Zydlik, M Zachwieja
Horticulture 9 (4), 50, 2006
Effect of soil fatigue prevention methods on microbiological soil status in replanted apple tree orchard. Part II. Number of bacteria. EJPAU
K Rutkowski, E Pacholak, Z Zydlik
Horticulture 9 (4), 2006
Wplyw sposobow zapobiegania zmeczeniu gleby na liczebnosc nicieni oraz wzrost i plonowanie jabloni odmiany Elstar w warunkach zroznicowanej wilgotnosci gleby
E Pacholak, K Rutkowski
Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa w Skierniewicach, 7-16, 2001
Effect of fertilization and irrigation on the growth and yielding of apple tree'Šampion'cultivar in a replanted orchard in the years 1994-2002.
E Pacholak, Z Zydlik, K Rutkowski, C Przybyła
Ocena stanu mikrobiologicznego gleby przy zroznicowanych warunkach nawozenia i nawadniania w sadzie replantowanym. II. Liczebnosc grzybow i promieniowcow
K Rutkowski, E Pacholak, A Sawicka
Prace Komisji Nauk Rolniczych i Komisji Nauk Leśnych. Poznańskie Towarzystwo …, 2000
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