Emilio C. Ulloa
Posttraumatic growth and sexual violence: A literature review
E Ulloa, ML Guzman, M Salazar, C Cala
Journal of aggression, maltreatment & trauma 25 (3), 286-304, 2016
Gender-specific mediational links between parenting styles, parental monitoring, impulsiveness, drinking control, and alcohol-related problems
JA Patock-Peckham, KM King, AA Morgan-Lopez, EC Ulloa, ...
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 72 (2), 247-258, 2011
Does powerlessness explain the relationship between intimate partner violence and depression?
J Filson, E Ulloa, C Runfola, A Hokoda
Journal of interpersonal violence 25 (3), 400-415, 2010
Acculturation, gender stereotypes, and attitudes about dating violence among Latino youth
EC Ulloa, LH Jaycox, GN Marshall, RL Collins
Violence and Victims 19 (3), 273, 2004
Anger control and acceptance of violence as mediators in the relationship between exposure to interparental conflict and dating violence perpetration in Mexican adolescents
A Clarey, A Hokoda, EC Ulloa
Journal of family violence 25, 619-625, 2010
The effect of gender and perpetrator–victim role on mental health outcomes and risk behaviors associated with intimate partner violence
EC Ulloa, JF Hammett
Journal of interpersonal violence 31 (7), 1184-1207, 2016
Injection drug use as a mediator between client-perpetrated abuse and HIV status among female sex workers in two Mexico-US border cities
MD Ulibarri, SA Strathdee, EC Ulloa, R Lozada, MA Fraga, ...
AIDS and Behavior 15, 179-185, 2011
Sexual relationship power as a mediator between dating violence and sexually transmitted infections among college women
C Buelna, EC Ulloa, MD Ulibarri
Journal of interpersonal violence 24 (8), 1338-1357, 2009
Attitudes about violence and dating among Latino/a boys and girls
EC Ulloa, LH Jaycox, SK Skinner, MM Orsburn
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work 17 (2), 157-176, 2008
Prevalence and correlates of sex exchange among a nationally representative sample of adolescents and young adults
E Ulloa, M Salazar, L Monjaras
Journal of child sexual abuse 25 (5), 524-537, 2016
Age and gender differences in teen relationship violence
A Hokoda, MA Martin Del Campo, EC Ulloa
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 21 (3), 351-364, 2012
Psychological growth in relation to intimate partner violence: A review
EC Ulloa, JF Hammett, ML Guzman, A Hokoda
Aggression and violent behavior 25, 88-94, 2015
Associations between mental health, substance use, and sexual abuse experiences among Latinas
MD Ulibarri, EC Ulloa, M Salazar
Journal of child sexual abuse 24 (1), 35-54, 2015
Depression as a mediator between family factors and peer-bullying victimization in Latino adolescents
BA Yabko
Violence and victims 23 (6), 727, 2008
Inter-partner violence in the context of gangs: A review
EC Ulloa, RB Dyson, DD Wynes
Aggression and Violent Behavior 17 (5), 397-404, 2012
Empathy and romantic relationship quality among cohabitating couples: An actor–partner interdependence model
EC Ulloa, JF Hammett, NA Meda, SJ Rubalcaba
The Family Journal 25 (3), 208-214, 2017
Prevalence of sexually abusive experiences in childhood and adolescence among a community sample of Latinas: A descriptive study
MD Ulibarri, EC Ulloa, L Camacho
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 18 (4), 405-421, 2009
Attachment anxiety, depressive symptoms, and adolescent dating violence perpetration: A longitudinal mediation analysis
EC Ulloa, N Martinez-Arango, A Hokoda
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 23 (6), 652-669, 2014
Reactions to dating violence among Latino teenagers: An experiment utilizing the Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations paradigm
NR Rayburn, LH Jaycox, DF McCaffrey, EC Ulloa, M Zander-Cotugno, ...
Journal of Adolescence 30 (6), 893-915, 2007
Strategies for multicultural student success: What about grad school?
EC Ulloa, M Herrera
The Career Development Quarterly 54 (4), 361-366, 2006
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