Marek Gazdzicki
Marek Gazdzicki
Professor of Physics, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
在 cern.ch 的电子邮件经过验证
STAR detector overview
KH Ackermann, N Adams, C Adler, Z Ahammed, S Ahmad, C Allgower, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2003
Elliptic Flow in Collisions at
KH Ackermann, N Adams, C Adler, Z Ahammed, S Ahmad, C Allgower, ...
Physical Review Letters 86 (3), 402, 2001
Energy dependence of pion and kaon production in central Pb+ Pb collisions
SV Afanasiev, T Anticic, D Barna, J Bartke, RA Barton, M Behler, L Betev, ...
Physical Review C 66 (5), 054902, 2002
On the Early Stage of Nucleus--Nucleus Collisions
M Gazdzicki, MI Gorenstein
arXiv preprint hep-ph/9803462, 1998
Pion and kaon production in central collisions at and GeV: Evidence for the onset of deconfinement
C Alt, T Anticic, B Baatar, D Barna, J Bartke, L Betev, H Białkowska, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 77 (2), 024903, 2008
The NA49 large acceptance hadron detector
S Afanasiev, T Alber, H Appelshäuser, J Bächler, D Barna, LS Barnby, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1999
Energy and system size dependence of chemical freeze-out in relativistic nuclear collisions
F Becattini, J Manninen, M Gaździcki
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 73 (4), 044905, 2006
Directed and elliptic flow of charged pions and protons in collisions at and
C Alt, T Anticic, B Baatar, D Barna, J Bartke, M Behler, L Betev, ...
Physical Review C 68 (3), 034903, 2003
Evidence for an Exotic , Baryon Resonance in Proton-Proton Collisions <?format ?>at the CERN SPS
C Alt, T Anticic, B Baatar, D Barna, J Bartke, L Betev, H Białkowska, ...
Physical review letters 92 (4), 042003, 2004
NA61/SHINE facility at the CERN SPS: beams and detector system
N Abgrall, O Andreeva, A Aduszkiewicz, Y Ali, T Anticic, N Antoniou, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 9 (06), P06005, 2014
Baryon Stopping and Charged Particle Distributions in Central Collisions at 158 GeV per Nucleon
H Appelshäuser, J Bächler, SJ Bailey, LS Barnby, J Bartke, RA Barton, ...
Physical Review Letters 82 (12), 2471, 1999
ALICE: Physics performance report, volume I
F Carminati, P Foka, P Giubellino, A Morsch, G Paic, JP Revol, K Safarik, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 30 (11), 1517, 2004
Chemical equilibrium study in nucleus-nucleus collisions at relativistic energies
F Becattini, M Gaździcki, A Keränen, J Manninen, R Stock
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 69 (2), 024905, 2004
Measurements of cross sections and charged pion spectra in proton-carbon interactions at 31 GeV/
N Abgrall, A Aduszkiewicz, B Andrieu, T Anticic, N Antoniou, J Argyriades, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 84 (3), 034604, 2011
Hadron production in nuclear collisions from the NA49 experiment at 158GeV/c· A
F Sikler, J Bächler, D Barna, LS Barnby, J Bartke, RA Barton, L Betev, ...
Nuclear Physics A 661 (1-4), 45-54, 1999
On chemical equilibrium in nuclear collisions
F Becattini, M Gaździcki, J Sollfrank
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 5 (1), 143-153, 1998
Directed and Elliptic Flow in 158 GeV/Nucleon Collisions
H Appelshäuser, J Bächler, SJ Bailey, LS Barnby, J Bartke, RA Barton, ...
Physical Review Letters 80 (19), 4136, 1998
A new variable to study intermittency
A Bialas, M Gazdzicki
Physics Letters B 252 (3), 483-486, 1990
A method to study “equilibration” in nucleus-nucleus collisions
M Gaździcki, S Mrówczyński
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 54, 127-132, 1992
Event-by-event fluctuations of average transverse momentum in central Pb+ Pb collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon
H Appelshäuser, J Bächler, SJ Bailey, D Barna, LS Barnby, J Bartke, ...
Physics Letters B 459 (4), 679-686, 1999
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