From UML activity diagrams to Stochastic Petri nets: application to software performance engineering JP López-Grao, J Merseguer, J Campos Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Software and performance, 25-36, 2004 | 293 | 2004 |
Properties and performance bounds for closed free choice synchronized monoclass queueing networks J Campos, G Chiola, M Silva IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 36 (12), 1368-1382, 1991 | 138 | 1991 |
Ergodicity and throughput bounds of Petri nets with unique consistent firing count vector J Campos, G Chiola, M Silva IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 17 (2), 117-125, 1991 | 129 | 1991 |
Properties and performance bounds for timed marked graphs J Campos, G Chiola, JM Colom, M Silva IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I Fundamental Theory and …, 1992 | 127 | 1992 |
A compositional semantics for UML state machines aimed at performance evaluation J Merseguer, J Campos, S Bernardi, S Donatelli Sixth International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2002. Proceedings …, 2002 | 126 | 2002 |
Structural techniques and performance bounds of stochastic Petri net models J Campos, M Silva Advances in Petri Nets 1992, 352-391, 1992 | 101 | 1992 |
On the integration of UML and Petri nets in software development J Campos, J Merseguer International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, 19-36, 2006 | 71 | 2006 |
Approximate throughput computation of stochastic marked graphs J Campos, JM Colom, H Jungnitz, M Silva IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 20 (7), 526-535, 1994 | 70 | 1994 |
Operational analysis of timed Petri nets and application to the computation of performance bounds G Chiola, C Anglano, J Campos, JM Colom, M Silva Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance …, 1993 | 70 | 1993 |
Timing-failure risk assessment of UML design using Time Petri Net bound techniques S Bernardi, J Campos, J Merseguer IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 7 (1), 90-104, 2010 | 67 | 2010 |
Structured solution of asynchronously communicating stochastic modules J Campos, S Donatelli, M Silva IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 25 (2), 147-165, 1999 | 58 | 1999 |
Formal methods in manufacturing J Campos, C Seatzu, X Xie CRC press, 2018 | 50 | 2018 |
Performance evaluation for the design of agent-based systems: A Petri net approach J Merseguer, J Campos, E Mena Proceedings of the workshop on software engineering and petri nets, within …, 2000 | 49 | 2000 |
Software performance modeling using uml and petri nets J Merseguer, J Campos International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and …, 2003 | 45 | 2003 |
Computation of performance bounds for real-time systems using time Petri nets S Bernardi, J Campos IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 5 (2), 168-180, 2009 | 44 | 2009 |
Tight Polynomial Bounds for Steady-State Performance of Marked Graphs. J Campos, G Chiola, JM Colom, MS Suárez PNPM, 200-209, 1989 | 38 | 1989 |
Performance bounds for synchronized queueing networks J Campos Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, Res. Rep. GISI-RR-90-20, 1990 | 34* | 1990 |
On liveness analysis through linear algebraic techniques JM Colom, J Campos, M Silva Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting of ESPRIT Basic Research Action 3148, 1990 | 33 | 1990 |
Annotated bibliography on stochastic Petri nets F Baccelli, G Balbo, RJ Boucherie, J Campos, G Chiola Performance Evaluation of Parallel and Distributed Systems—Solution Methods …, 1994 | 30 | 1994 |
Linear algebraic techniques for the analysis of Petri nets M Silva, JM Colom, J Campos Recent Advances in Mathematical Theory of Systems, Control, Networks, and …, 1992 | 30 | 1992 |