Impact of the 2010–2011 La Niña phenomenon in Colombia, South America: the human toll of an extreme weather event N Hoyos, J Escobar, JC Restrepo, AM Arango, JC Ortiz Applied Geography 39, 16-25, 2013 | 238 | 2013 |
Freshwater discharge into the Caribbean Sea from the rivers of Northwestern South America (Colombia): Magnitude, variability and recent changes, Journal of Hydrology. JC Restrepo, O J. C., P J, S K, O L, M M, A J Journal of Hidrology 509, 16, 2014 | 108 | 2014 |
Suspended sediment transport in the Magdalena River (Colombia, South America): Hydrologic regime, rating parameters and effective discharge variability. L Higgins, A., Restrepo J.C., Ortiz, J.C., Pierini, J. and Otero International Journal of Sediment Research. …, 2015 | 92* | 2015 |
Cold fronts in the Colombian Caribbean Sea and their relationship to extreme wave events JC Ortiz-Royero, LJ Otero, JC Restrepo, J Ruiz, M Cadena Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13 (11), 2797-2804, 2013 | 91 | 2013 |
Sediment transport and geomorphological change in a high-discharge tropical delta (Magdalena River, Colombia): Insights from a period of intense change and human intervention … JC Restrepo, K Schrottke, C Traini, JC Ortíz, A Orejarena, L Otero, ... Journal of Coastal Research 32 (3), 575-589, 2016 | 66 | 2016 |
Exposure of the Colombian Caribbean coast, including San Andrés Island, to tropical storms and hurricanes, 1900–2010 JC Ortiz Natural hazards 61 (2), 815-827, 2012 | 53 | 2012 |
Estuarine and sediment dynamics in a microtidal tropical estuary of high fluvial discharge: Magdalena River (Colombia, South America) JC Restrepo, K Schrottke, C Traini, A Bartholomae, S Ospino, JC Ortíz, ... Marine Geology 398, 86-98, 2018 | 52 | 2018 |
A wave parameters and directional spectrum analysis for extreme winds RD Montoya, AO Arias, JCO Royero, FJ Ocampo-Torres Ocean Engineering 67, 100-118, 2013 | 50 | 2013 |
An intercomparison of SWAN and WAVEWATCH III models with data from NDBC-NOAA buoys at oceanic scales JC Ortiz-Royero, A Mercado-Irizarry Coastal Engineering Journal 50 (01), 47-73, 2008 | 50 | 2008 |
Storms or cold fronts: what is really responsible for the extreme waves regime in the Colombian Caribbean coastal region? LJ Otero, JC Ortiz-Royero, JK Ruiz-Merchan, AE Higgins, SA Henriquez Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16 (2), 391-401, 2016 | 45 | 2016 |
Huracanes y tormentas tropicales en el mar Caribe colombiano desde 1900 JCO Royero Boletín científico CIOH, 54-60, 2007 | 45 | 2007 |
Construction of synthetic ocean wave series along the Colombian Caribbean Coast: A wave climate analysis AF Osorio, RD Montoya, JC Ortiz, D Peláez Applied Ocean Research 56, 119-131, 2016 | 38 | 2016 |
Transporte de sedimentos en suspensión en los principales ríos del Caribe colombiano: magnitud, tendencias y variabilidad JC Restrepo-López, JC Ortiz-Royero, L Otero-Díaz, SR Ospino-Ortiz Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales …, 2015 | 32 | 2015 |
Sea breeze in the Colombian Caribbean coast A Pérez R, JC Ortiz R, LF Bejarano A, L Otero D, JC Restrepo L, ... Atmósfera 31 (4), 389-406, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
Investigating the collapse of the Puerto Colombia pier (Colombian Caribbean coast) in March 2009: methodology for the reconstruction of extreme events and the evaluation of … JC Ortiz, B Salcedo, LJ Otero Journal of Coastal Research 30 (2), 291-300, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |
Interannual variability of wave climate in the Caribbean Sea MJ Vega, O Alvarez-Silva, JC Restrepo, JC Ortiz, LJ Otero Ocean Dynamics 70, 965-976, 2020 | 21 | 2020 |
Evaluation of extreme waves associated with cyclonic activity on San Andrés Island in the Caribbean Sea since 1900 JCO Royero, JMP Moreno, O Lizano Journal of Coastal Research 31 (3), 557-568, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |
Estudio del oleaje generado por el huracán Joan en la costa caribe colombiana en 1988, incluyendo a la Isla Andrés JCO Royero, FL Martínez, ED Estrada, LFB Arango Revista Colombiana de Física 40 (2), 2008 | 18 | 2008 |
Swash oscillations in a microtidal dissipative beach M Conde-Frias, L Otero, JC Restrepo, JC Ortiz, J Ruiz, AF Osorio Journal of Coastal Research 33 (6), 1408-1422, 2017 | 15 | 2017 |
Severe tornadoes on the Caribbean coast of Colombia since 2001 and their relation to local climate conditions JC Ortiz-Royero, M Rosales Natural hazards 64, 1805-1821, 2012 | 14 | 2012 |