Zsolt Tóth
Zsolt Tóth
Institute for Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry, Centre for Agricultural Research
在 atk.hu 的电子邮件经过验证
Early stage litter decomposition across biomes
I Djukic, S Kepfer-Rojas, IK Schmidt, KS Larsen, C Beier, B Berg, ...
Science of the total environment 628, 1369-1394, 2018
Extreme effects of drought on composition of the soil bacterial community and decomposition of plant tissue
Z Tóth, A Táncsics, B Kriszt, G Kröel‐Dulay, G Ónodi, E Hornung
European Journal of Soil Science 68 (4), 504-513, 2017
Earthworm assemblages in urban habitats across biogeographical regions
Z Tóth, K Szlavecz, DJE Schmidt, E Hornung, H Setälä, ID Yesilonis, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 151, 103530, 2020
Effects of climate and atmospheric nitrogen deposition on early to mid-term stage litter decomposition across biomes
TO Kwon, H Shibata, S Kepfer-Rojas, IK Schmidt, KS Larsen, C Beier, ...
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4, 678480, 2021
Taxonomic and functional response of millipedes (Diplopoda) to urban soil disturbance in a metropolitan area
Z Tóth, E Hornung
Insects 11 (1), 25, 2019
Metagenomics reveals bacterial and archaeal adaptation to urban land-use: N catabolism, methanogenesis, and nutrient acquisition
DJ Epp Schmidt, DJ Kotze, E Hornung, H Setälä, I Yesilonis, K Szlavecz, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 2330, 2019
Terrestrial isopods in urban environments: an overview
K Szlavecz, F Vilisics, Z Tóth, E Hornung
ZooKeys, 97, 2018
Effects of set-aside management on certain elements of soil biota and early stage organic matter decomposition in a High Nature Value Area, Hungary
Z Tóth, E Hornung, A Báldi
Nature Conservation 29, 1-26, 2018
Effects of set-aside management on soil macrodecomposers in Hungary
Z Tóth, E Hornung, A Báldi, A Kovács-Hostyánszki
Applied soil ecology 99, 89-97, 2016
Crop species and year affect soil-dwelling Collembola and Acari more strongly than fertilisation regime in an arable field
V Gergócs, N Flórián, Z Tóth, T Szili-Kovács, M Mucsi, M Dombos
Applied Soil Ecology 173, 104390, 2022
Urban effects on saprophagous macroarthropods are mainly driven by climate: A global meta-analysis
Z Tóth, E Hornung, K Szlavecz
Science of the Total Environment 797, 149182, 2021
The role of urban forest patches in maintaining isopod diversity (Oniscidea)
E Hornung, A Kásler, Z Tóth
ZooKeys, 371, 2018
Detangling ecosystem services: Open‐field manipulation of soil‐dwelling microarthropods provides new opportunities to investigate their effects on nitrogen cycling
V Gergócs, N Flórián, Z Tóth, L Sipőcz, M Dombos
Ecology and Evolution 12 (7), e9134, 2022
Automatic Field Detection of Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera; Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) with a New Probe
Z Tóth, M Tóth, JK Jósvai, F Tóth, N Flórián, V Gergócs, M Dombos
Insects 11 (8), 486, 2020
Tea Bag method: a new possibility to assess impacts of agri-environmental measures on soil functioning.
Z Tóth, E Hornung, M Dombos
Soil protection in the EU: the most important soil-related EU policies and legal sources
Z Tóth
J. Agric. Envtl. L. 12, 202, 2017
International dimensions of EU soil policy–the main binding and non-binding legal instruments
Z Tóth
Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies 59 (3), 290-303, 2018
Szerves anyag lebomlás vizsgálatok módszertani kérdései egy védett homokpusztagyep talajában
A Seres, Z Tóth, E Hornung, A Pörneki, J Szakálas, PI Nagy, G Boros, ...
Természetvédelmi Közlemények 21, 262-270, 2015
A Ráckevei (Soroksári)-Duna-ág helyzetének környezet-és természetvédelmi szempontú bemutatása hidrológiai adatok alapján
Z Tóth
Tájökológiai Lapok 12 (1), 75-93, 2014
Talajvédelem az Európai Unióban: a talajt érintő legfontosabb uniós politikák és jogforrások
Z Tóth
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Law 12 (22), 202-246, 2017
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