Le Minh Hieu
Le Minh Hieu
University of Economics - The University of Danang, Vietnam
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Melanoma skin cancer detection method based on adaptive principal curvature, colour normalisation and feature extraction with the ABCD Rule
DNH Thanh, VBS Prasath, LM Hieu, NN Hien
Journal of Digital Imaging, 1-12, 2019
An iterative mean filter for image denoising
DNH Thanh, LM Hieu, S Engínoğlu
IEEE Access 7, 167847-167859, 2019
A review on CT and X-ray images denoising methods
D Thanh, P Surya, LM Hieu
Informatica 43 (2), 2019
Adaptive Frequency Median Filter for the Salt-and-Pepper Denoising Problem
U Erkan, S Enginoglu, DNH Thanh, LM Hieu
IET Image Processing, 2020
An adaptive method for image restoration based on high-order total variation and inverse gradient
DNH Thanh, VBS Prasath, LM Hieu, S Dvoenko
Signal, Image and Video Processing, 1-9, 2020
Analysis of second order difference schemes on non-uniform grids for quasilinear parabolic equations
P Matus, LM Hieu, LG Vulkov
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 310, 186-199, 2017
An adaptive image inpainting method based on the modified mumford-shah model and multiscale parameter estimation
DNH Thanh, PVB Surya, N Van Son, LM Hieu
Компьютерная оптика 43 (2), 2019
A two-stage filter for high density salt and pepper denoising
DNH Thanh, NH Hai, VBS Prasath, LM Hieu, JMRS Tavares
Multimedia tools and applications 79 (29), 21013-21035, 2020
An Adaptive Image Inpainting Method Based on Euler's Elastica with Adaptive Parameters Estimation and the Discrete Gradient Method
DNH Thanh, PVB Surya, D Sergey, LM Hieu
Signal Processing, 107797, 2020
Skin lesion segmentation method for dermoscopic images with convolutional neural networks and semantic segmentation
DNH Thanh, NH Hai, P Tiwari, VBS Prasath
Компьютерная оптика 45 (1), 122-129, 2021
Maximum principle for finite-difference schemes with non sigh-constant input data
PP Matus, LM Hieu, LG Vulkov
Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus 59 (5), 13-17, 2016
Multiscale Gradient Maps Augmented Fisher Information-Based Image Edge Detection
VBS Prasath, DNH Thanh, NQ Hung, LM Hieu
IEEE Access 8, 141104-141110, 2020
Difference schemes on nonuniform grids for the two-dimensional convection–diffusion equation
PP Matus, LM Hieu
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 57 (12), 1994-2004, 2017
On the consistent two-side estimates for the solutions of quasilinear convection–diffusion equations and their approximations on non-uniform grids
P Matus, D Poliakov, LM Hieu
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 340, 571-581, 2018
Monotone difference schemes for weakly coupled elliptic and parabolic systems
P Matus, F Gaspar, LM Hieu, VTK Tuyen
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 17 (2), 287-298, 2017
Monotone Finite-Difference Schemes with Second Order Approximation Based on Regularization Approach for the Dirichlet Boundary Problem of the Gamma Equation
LM Hieu, TTH Hanh, DNH Thanh
IEEE Access 8, 2020
Принцип максимума для разностных схем с незнакопостоянными входными данными
ПП Матус, ЛМ Хиеу, ЛГ Волков
Доклады Национальной академии наук Беларуси 59 (5), 13-17, 2016
A finite-difference scheme for initial boundary value problem of the Gamma equation in the pricing of financial derivatives
LM Hieu
Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2020
Image Inpainting Method Based on Mixed Median
DNH Thanh, VBS Prasath, H Kawanaka, LM Hieu
2019 Joint 8th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision …, 2019
Second order monotone difference schemes with approximation on non-uniform grids for two-dimensional quasilinear parabolic convection-diffusion equations
LM Hieu, DNH Thanh, VB Surya Prasath
Vestnik St. Petersburg University, Mathematics 53, 232-240, 2020
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