Ahmad Syuhada
Ahmad Syuhada
Universitas Syiah Kuala
在 usk.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Heat/mass transfer characteristics in two-pass smooth channels with a sharp 180-deg turn
M Hirota, H Fujita, A Syuhada, S Araki, T Yoshida, T Tanaka
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 42 (20), 3757-3770, 1999
Sistim pengeringan ikan dengan metode hybrid
M Hatta, A Syuhada, Z Fuadi
Jurnal Polimesin 17 (1), 9-18, 2019
Heat (mass) transfer in serpentine flow passage with rectangular cross-section
A Syuhada, M Hirota, H Fujita, S Araki, M Yanagida, T Tanaka
Energy conversion and management 42 (15-17), 1867-1885, 2001
Study of solar and wind energy using as water pump drive-land for agricultural irrigation
M Saputra, A Syuhada, R Sary
2018 4th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST), 1-4, 2018
Design and performance of archimedes single screw turbine as micro hydro power plant with flow rate debit variations (case study in air dingin, samadua-south aceh)
I Syam, MI Maulana, A Syuhada
Jurnal Inotera 4 (1), 13-22, 2019
Blade number impact on pressure and performance of archimedes screw turbine using CFD
MI Maulana, A Syuhada, M Nawawi
AIP Conference Proceedings 1931 (1), 2018
Experimental study on the effect of flow rate on the performance of two-blade archimedes screw turbine
MI Maulana, A Syuhada, R Kurniawan
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 61 (1 …, 2019
Analysis of diffuser augmented wind turbine (DAWT) with flange and curved interior using CFD
MI Maulana, A Syuhada, M Nawawi
AIP Conference Proceedings 1984 (1), 2018
Computational fluid dynamic predictions on effects of screw number on performance of single blade Archimedes screw turbine
MI Maulana, A Syuhada, F Almas
E3S Web of Conferences 67, 04027, 2018
Study of heat transfer characteristics on sharp turn channels for solar collectors
A Syuhada, MI Maulana
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 45 (1 …, 2018
Heat transfer capability of solar radiation in colored roof and influence on room thermal comfort
A Syuhada, MI Maulana
AIP Conference Proceedings 1931 (1), 2018
Heat (mass) transfer characteristics in serpentine flow passages with a sharp turn
H Masafumi, F Hideomi, N Hiroshi, S Ahmad
Memoirs of the School of Engineering, Nagoya University 52, 1-52, 2001
Heat/Mass Transfer Characteristics in Serpentine Flow-Passage with a Sharp Turn,(Influence of Entrance Configuration)
M Hirota, H Fujita, A Syuhada, S Araki, M Yanagida, T Tanaka
Proc. Compact Heat Exchangers and Enhancement Technology for Proces …, 1999
Convective heat transfer study on the spiral finned tube heat exchanger under various fin pitch arrangements
A Syuhada, D Afandi, SE Sofyan
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 463 (1), 012024, 2020
Study of hybrid power system potential to power agricultural water pump in mountain area
A Syuhada, AZ Mubarak, MI Maulana
AIP Conference Proceedings 1717 (1), 2016
Study of fish drying process using multilevel shelves with wood fuel
R Sary, A Syuhada
Prosiding SNTTM 18, 9-10, 2019
Characteristics of heat transfer on solar collector channel by using a sharp turn
A Syuhada, MI Maulana
AIP Conference Proceedings 1984 (1), 2018
Kaji Sistem pengering Kakao dengan Menggunakan Energi Hybrid (Energi Matahari dan Bahan Bakar Gas)
A Syuhada, R Sary, F Isnan
Jurnal Teknik Mesin 6 (1), 17-24, 2018
Suhaeri. 2010.“Kajian Tingkat Kemampuan Penyerapan Panas Matahari Pada Atap Bangunan Seng Berwarna
A Syuhada
Seminar Nasional Tahunan Teknik Mesin (SNTTM) ke-9, 13-15 Oktober, 2010
Global Waring dan Produktivitas Manusia: Suatu Kajian dari Sudut Kenyamanan Thermal
A Syuhada
Orasi Ilmiah Pengukuhan Guru Besar Fakultas Teknik, 2008
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