Albert A Cheng
Albert A Cheng
在 uark.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
“No excuses” charter schools: A meta-analysis of the experimental evidence on student achievement
A Cheng, C Hitt, B Kisida, JN Mills
Journal of School Choice 11 (2), 209-238, 2017
Boys will be superintendents: School leadership as a gendered profession
R Maranto, K Carroll, A Cheng, MP Teodoro
Phi Delta Kappan 100 (2), 12-15, 2018
When you say nothing at all: The predictive power of student effort on surveys
C Hitt, J Trivitt, A Cheng
Economics of Education Review 52 (C), 105-119, 2016
Comparing and validating measures of non-cognitive traits: Performance task measures and self-reports from a nationally representative internet panel
G Zamarro, A Cheng, MD Shakeel, C Hitt
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 72, 51-60, 2018
School choice and the branding of Milwaukee private schools
A Cheng, JR Trivitt, PJ Wolf
Social Science Quarterly 97 (2), 362-375, 2016
Charter school funding: Inequity expands
M Batdorf, LD Maloney, JF May, ST Speakman, PJ Wolf, A Cheng
Does homeschooling or private schooling promote political intolerance? Evidence from a Christian university
A Cheng
Homeschooling in the 21st Century, 181-200, 2018
Homeschool parents and satisfaction with special education services
A Cheng, S Tuchman, PJ Wolf
Homeschooling in the 21st Century, 144-161, 2018
Public support climbs for teacher pay, school expenditures, charter schools, and universal vouchers: Results from the 2018 EdNext poll
A Cheng, M Henderson, PE Peterson, MR West
Education Next 19 (1), 8-27, 2019
Measuring teacher non-cognitive skills and its impact on students: Insight from the Measures of Effective Teaching Longitudinal Database
A Cheng, G Zamarro
Economics of Education review 64, 251-260, 2018
Can parents’ growth mindset and role modelling address STEM gender gaps?
A Cheng, K Kopotic, G Zamarro
EDRE Working Paper, 2017
Gendered ambition: Men’s and women’s career advancement in public administration
R Maranto, MP Teodoro, K Carroll, A Cheng
The American Review of Public Administration 49 (4), 469-481, 2019
Personality as a predictor of unit nonresponse in an internet panel
A Cheng, G Zamarro, B Orriens
Sociological Methods & Research 49 (3), 672-698, 2020
Identifying naturally occurring direct assessments of social-emotional competencies: The promise and limitations of survey and assessment disengagement metadata
J Soland, G Zamarro, A Cheng, C Hitt
Educational Researcher 48 (7), 466-478, 2019
New frontiers in research and practice on homeschooling
A Cheng, M Donnelly
Peabody Journal of Education 94 (3), 259-262, 2019
How satisfied are parents with their children's schools? New evidence from a US department of education survey
A Cheng, PE Peterson
Education Next 17 (2), 20-28, 2017
Teacher Perceptions of the Common Core State Standards.
A Cheng
Online Submission, 2012
Parental empowerment, involvement, and satisfaction: A comparison of choosers of charter, Catholic, Christian, and district-run public schools
D Hamlin, A Cheng
Educational Administration Quarterly 56 (4), 641-670, 2020
Do charters pose a threat to private schools? Evidence from nationally representative surveys of US parents
S Barrows, A Cheng, PE Peterson, MR West
Journal of School Choice 13 (1), 10-32, 2019
Sexual Violence on Religious Campuses.
JR Vanderwoerd, A Cheng
Canadian Journal of Higher Education 47 (2), 1-21, 2017
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