Ke Wu
Transition to complex dynamics in the cubic lid-driven cavity
JM Lopez, BD Welfert, K Wu, J Yalim
Physical Review Fluids 2 (7), 074401, 2017
A new class of higher-order decoupled schemes for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and applications to rotating dynamics
K Wu, F Huang, J Shen
Journal of Computational Physics 458, 111097, 2022
Librational forcing of a rapidly rotating fluid-filled cube
K Wu, BD Welfert, JM Lopez
journal of fluid mechanics 842, 469-494, 2018
Complex dynamics in a stratified lid-driven square cavity flow
K Wu, BD Welfert, JM Lopez
journal of fluid mechanics 855, 43-66, 2018
Bound/positivity preserving and unconditionally stable schemes for a class of fourth order nonlinear equations
F Huang, J Shen, K Wu
Journal of Computational Physics 460, 111177, 2022
Precessing cube: resonant excitation of modes and triadic resonance
K Wu, BD Welfert, JM Lopez
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 887, A6, 2020
Reflections and focusing of inertial waves in a librating cube with the rotation axis oblique to its faces
K Wu, BD Welfert, JM Lopez
journal of fluid mechanics 896, A5, 2020
Reflections and focusing of inertial waves in a tilted librating cube
K Wu, BD Welfert, JM Lopez
journal of fluid mechanics 947, A10, 2022
Inertial wave attractors in librating cuboids
K Wu, BD Welfert, JM Lopez
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 973, A20, 2023
Boundary-confined waves in a librating cube
JM Lopez, J Shen, BD Welfert, K Wu
journal of fluid mechanics 952, R2, 2022
Inertial wave attractors in rapidly rotating tilted cuboids
BD Welfert, JM Lopez, K Wu
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 479 (2272), 20220876, 2023
V0066: Resonant collapse in a harmonically forced stratified cavity
J Yalim, B Welfert, J Lopez, K Wu
70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, doi 10, 2017
Comparison of Libration-and Precession-Driven Flows: From Linear Responses to Broadband Dynamics
K Wu, BD Welfert, JM Lopez
Fluids 9 (7), 151, 2024
Intricate patterns of three-dimensional inertial wavebeams in a tilted librating cube
K Wu, J Lopez, B Welfert
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, E16. 003, 2021
resonant excitation of modes and triadic resonance in a precessing cube
K Wu, B Welfert, J Lopez
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, P39. 008, 2019
The dynamics of a rotating cubic cavity flow under libration
K Wu, B Welfert, J Lopez
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63, 2018
Detailed study of fluid flow in a stably stratified square lid-driven cavity
B Welfert, K Wu, J Lopez
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, L34. 009, 2017
Transition to complex dynamics in the cubic lid-driven cavity
K Wu, JM Lopez, BD Welfert, J Yalim
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, D29. 006, 2016
Complex dynamics in a stratified lid-driven cavity flow
K Wu, BD Welfert, JM Lopez
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