Edi Nasra
Edi Nasra
Universitas Negeri Padang
Perancangan Assesmen Literasi Kimia Dengan Menggunakan Model of Educational Rekonstruction (Mer) Pada Tema:“Air Sebagai Pelarut Universal.”
E Yusmaita, E Nasra
Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan (Jep) 1 (2), 49, 2017
Development Study and Effectiveness of Online Data Based Scientific Writing Model Using Endnote Application for MGMP Chemistry Teachers Padang Panjang City
R Zainul, B Oktavia, E Nasra, VA Arianti, P Fatimah, YM Liza, T Setiadi
Pelita Eksakta 2 (2), 84-93, 2019
Studi Pengembangan dan Efektivitas Model Penulisan Karya Ilmiah berbasis Online Data dengan menggunakan Aplikasi Endnote bagi Guru-guru MGMP Kimia Kota Padangpanjang
R Zainul, B Oktavia, E Nasra, VA Arianti, P Fatimah, YM Liza, T Setiadi
INA-Rxiv, 2018
Pengaruh penambahan prebiotik inulin dari bengkoang (Pachyrhizus erosus) terhadap organoleptik sinbiotik set yoghurt
F Jora, M Azhar, E Nasra
Periodic 10 (1), 12-16, 2021
Synthesis and Characterization of C-Cinnamal Calix [4] Resorsinarena from Cinnamon Oil Waste West Sumatra
SB Etika, E Nasra, I Rilaztika
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (1), 012028, 2018
Effect of pH and concentration on biosorption malachite green and rhodamine b dyes using banana peel (Musa balbisiana Colla) as biosorbent
E Nasra, D Kurniawati, SB Etika, R Silvia, A Rahmatika
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1788 (1), 012003, 2021
Synthesis of Cu 2+ Doped ZnO by the Combination of Sol-Gel-Sonochemical Methods with Duck Egg Albumen as Additive for Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Orange
SKW Ningsih, H Sanjaya, B Bahrizal, E Nasra, S Yurnas
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 21 (3), 564-574, 2021
Effect of egg white as additive for synthesis and characterization of Al doped ZNO nanoparticles by using sol-gel method
SKW Ningsih, UK Nizar, E Nasra, RF Suci
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1185 (1), 012029, 2019
Design of Chemical Literacy Assessment by Using Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER) on Solubility Topic
E Yusmaita, E Nasra
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 335 (1), 012106, 2018
Adsorpsi Zat Warna Methylene Blue Menggunakan Karbon Aktif dari Kulit Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.)
LDR Hayu, E Nasra, M Azhar, SB Etika
Periodic 11 (1), 8-13, 2022
Pengaruh Ion Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+ dan Cr3+ terhadap Peyerapan Logam Pb2+ menggunakan Kulit Pisang Kepok (Musa Paradisiaca L) sebagai Biosorben
D Yollanda, E Nasra, DKI Dewata, UK Nizar
Menara Ilmu: Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Ilmiah 13 (2), 2019
Utilization of C-cinnamal calix [4] resorcinarene as adsorbent for methanil yellow
SB Etika, E Nasra
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1788 (1), 012012, 2021
Reduction of lead (II) from aqueous solution by biosorbent derivated from lengkeng (euphoria logan lour) shell with batch method
D Kurniawati, Puja, Bahrizal, E Nasra, S Salmariza
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1317 (1), 012026, 2019
Biosorption of Cadmium and Copper Ions from Aqueous Solution using Banana (Musa paradisiaca) Shell as Low-Cost Biosorbent
E Nasra, D Kurniawati
Proceedings of ICoChEA (International Conference On Chemistry And …, 2017
Adsorpsi Zat Warna Rhodamine B dengan Karbon Aktif Kulit Durian Sebagai Adsorben
A Ulya, E Nasra, A Amran, D Kurniawati
Periodic 11 (2), 74-77, 2022
Optimization of Phenol Absorption Using Banana Peel (Musa balbisiana Colla) as Biosorbent
E Nasra, R Sari, SB Etika, D Kurniawati, TK Sari
International Conference on Biology, Sciences and Education (ICoBioSE 2019 …, 2020
Enhancement of cobalt concentration supported on mesoporous silica towards the characteristics and activities of catalysts for the conversion of waste coconut oil into gasoline …
W Trisunaryanti, T Triyono, NR Santoso, S Larasati, C Paramesti, ...
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 21 (3), 527-536, 2020
The Effect of Silica-Titania Catalyst Loading on the Production of Biodiesel from Palm and Waste Cooking Oil
Z Zurryati, R Sundari, B Bahrizal, A Putra, D Latisma, E Nasra, ...
International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development 2 (3), 2019
Preparasi Karbon Aktif Kulit Durian Dengan Aktivator NaOH Serta Penyerapannya Terhadap Logam Berat Pb (II)
D Lestari, E Nasra
Chemistry Journal 11 (2), 50-55, 2022
Optimasi penyerapan zat warna malachite green menggunakan karbon aktif dari kulit pisang kepok (Musa balbisiana Colla)
SH Yonel, E Nasra, B Oktavia, SB Etika
Jurnal Periodic Jurusan Kimia UNP 10 (2), 28, 2021
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