Farid Berrezzek
Farid Berrezzek
Dr.Berrezzek farid , souk ahras university Algeria
在 univ-soukahras.dz 的电子邮件经过验证
A study of new techniques of controlled PWM inverters
B Farid, O Amar
European journal of scientific research 32 (1), 77-87, 2009
Efficient Wind Speed Forecasting Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Networks.
F Berrezzek, K Khelil, T Bouadjila
Rev. d'Intelligence Artif. 33 (6), 447-452, 2019
Etude des différentes techniques de commande des onduleurs à MLI associés à une machine asynchrone
B Farid
Université de Annaba-Badji Mokhtar, 2006
GA-based design of optimal discrete wavelet filters for efficient wind speed forecasting
K Khelil, F Berrezzek, T Bouadjila
Neural Computing and Applications 33 (9), 4373-4386, 2021
Improved multiple description wavelet based image coding using subband uniform quantization
K Khelil, A Hussain, RE Bekka, F Berrezzek
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 65 (11), 967-974, 2011
Flatness based nonlinear sensorless control of induction motor systems
F Berrezzek, B Bensaker
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS 7 (March …, 2016
Efficient MPPT scheme for a photovoltaic generator using neural network
F Berrezzek, K Khelil, T Bouadjila
2020 1st International Conference on Communications, Control Systems and …, 2020
Circle-criterion based nonlinear observer design for sensorless induction motor control
W Bourbia, F Berrezzek, B Bensaker
International Journal of Automation and Computing 11, 598-604, 2014
Nonlinear control of induction motor: A combination of nonlinear observer design and input-output linearization technique
F Berrezzek, W Bourbia, B Bensaker
Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 7 (5), 1001, 2013
Backstepping based nonlinear sensorless control of induction motor system
F Berrezzek, A Benheniche
Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés 54 (3), 495-502, 2021
DWT-based Wind Speed Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Networks in the region of Annaba
K Khelil, F Berrezzek, T Bouadjila
2020 1st International Conference on Communications, Control Systems and …, 2020
A comparative study of nonlinear circle criterion based observer and H∞ observer for induction motor drive
F Berrezzek, W Bourbia, B Bensaker
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 10 (3), 1229, 2019
Integral Backstepping Control of Induction Machine.
A Benheniche, F Berrezzek
European Journal of Electrical Engineering/Revue Internationale de Génie …, 2021
A Circle-criterion based nonlinear observer design for induction motor conditions monitoring
W Bourbia, F Berrezzek, B Bensaker
Proceedings of the 7th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Roma, Italy, 2011
Improved Artificial Neural Network Based MPPT Tracker for PV System under Rapid Varying Atmospheric Conditions
T Bouadjila, K Khelil, D Rahem, F Berrezzek
Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 67 (2 …, 2023
Estimation of wind energy potential and Weibull parameter extrapolation of the city of Annaba, Algeria
F Berrezzek, K Khelil, T Bouadjila
2019 International Conference on Advanced Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 1-5, 2019
Optimal Filtering of Wavelet-Based Multiple Description Image Coding Using Correlating Transforms
K Khelil, T Bouadjila, F Berrezzek
2018 International Conference on Signal, Image, Vision and their …, 2018
Parameter extraction of photovoltaic panels using genetic algorithm
K Khelil, T Bouadjila, F Berrezzek, T Khediri
ICTAEE18, 2018
Multiple description transform image coder using correlating transforms
K Khelil, A Hussain, F Berrezzek, A Djebbari
International Review on Computers and Software 5 (2), 2010
Hourly Solar Irradiance Forecasting Using Long Short Term Memory and Convolutional Neural Networks
T Bouadjila, K Khelil, D Rahem, F Berrezzek
Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy 9 (2), 1-22, 2024
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