Elly Morriën
Elly Morriën
University of Amsterdam
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Soil networks become more connected and take up more carbon as nature restoration progresses
E Morriën, SE Hannula, LB Snoek, NR Helmsing, H Zweers, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14349, 2017
Successful range-expanding plants experience less above-ground and below-ground enemy impact
T Engelkes, E Morriën, KJF Verhoeven, TM Bezemer, A Biere, JA Harvey, ...
Nature 456 (7224), 946-948, 2008
Hierarchical responses of plant–soil interactions to climate change: consequences for the global carbon cycle
RD Bardgett, P Manning, E Morriën, FT De Vries
Journal of Ecology 101 (2), 334-343, 2013
Shifts in rhizosphere fungal community during secondary succession following abandonment from agriculture
SE Hannula, E Morriën, M de Hollander, WH Van Der Putten, ...
The ISME journal 11 (10), 2294-2304, 2017
The long-term restoration of ecosystem complexity
D Moreno-Mateos, A Alberdi, E Morriën, WH van der Putten, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (5), 676-685, 2020
The role of plant litter in driving plant-soil feedbacks
GF Veen, EL Fry, FC Ten Hooven, P Kardol, E Morriën, JR De Long
Frontiers in Environmental Science 7, 168, 2019
Ecological fits, mis-fits and lotteries involving insect herbivores on the invasive plant, Bunias orientalis
JA Harvey, A Biere, T Fortuna, LEM Vet, T Engelkes, E Morriën, R Gols, ...
Biological Invasions 12, 3045-3059, 2010
Network analyses can advance above-belowground ecology
KS Ramirez, S Geisen, E Morriën, BL Snoek, WH van der Putten
Trends in Plant Science 23 (9), 759-768, 2018
Resource selection by female moths in a heterogeneous environment: what is a poor girl to do?
S Gripenberg, E Morriën, A Cudmore, JP Salminen, T Roslin
Journal of Animal Ecology, 854-865, 2007
Climate change and invasion by intracontinental range-expanding exotic plants: the role of biotic interactions
E Morriën, T Engelkes, M Macel, A Meisner, WH Van der Putten
Annals of Botany 105 (6), 843-848, 2010
Understanding soil food web dynamics, how close do we get?
E Morriën
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 102, 10-13, 2016
Flooding responses of three earthworm species, Allolobophora chlorotica, Aporrectodea caliginosa and Lumbricus rubellus, in a laboratory-controlled environment
MI Zorn, CAM Van Gestel, E Morrien, M Wagenaar, H Eijsackers
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40 (3), 587-593, 2008
Will fungi solve the carbon dilemma?
SE Hannula, E Morriën
Geoderma 413, 115767, 2022
Soil microbial community structure of range‐expanding plant species differs from co‐occurring natives
E Morrien, WH van der Putten
Journal of Ecology 101 (5), 1093-1102, 2013
Successional trajectory of bacterial communities in soil are shaped by plant-driven changes during secondary succession
M Krishna, S Gupta, M Delgado–Baquerizo, E Morriën, SC Garkoti, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 9864, 2020
Effects of native and exotic range‐expanding plant species on taxonomic and functional composition of nematodes in the soil food web
E Morriën, H Duyts, WH Van der Putten
Oikos 121 (2), 181-190, 2012
Ecosystem coupling: A unifying framework to understand the functioning and recovery of ecosystems
R Ochoa-Hueso, M Delgado-Baquerizo, AC Risch, M Schrama, E Morriën, ...
One Earth 4 (7), 951-966, 2021
Global change effects on a mechanistic decomposer food web model
LDJ Kuijper, MP Berg, E Morriën, BW Kooi, HA Verhoef
Global Change Biology 11 (2), 249-265, 2005
Additive effects of aboveground polyphagous herbivores and soil feedback in native and range‐expanding exotic plants
E Morriën, T Engelkes, WH Van Der Putten
Ecology 92 (6), 1344-1352, 2011
Spatial population structure of a specialist leaf‐mining moth
S Gripenberg, O Ovaskainen, E Morriën, T Roslin
Journal of Animal Ecology 77 (4), 757-767, 2008
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