Ary Setyawan
Ary Setyawan
Associate Professor of Highway Engineering and Management
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Predicting the remaining service life of road using pavement condition index
A Setyawan, J Nainggolan, A Budiarto
Procedia Engineering 125, 417-423, 2015
Asessing the compressive strength properties of semi-flexible pavements
A Setyawan
Procedia Engineering 54, 863-874, 2013
Effect of cementitious grouts on the properties of semi-flexible bituminous pavements
KE Hassan, A Setyawan, SE Zoorob
Performance of Bituminous and Hydraulic Materials in Pavements, 113-120, 2017
Penggunaan Metode International Roughness Index (Iri), Surface Distress Index (Sdi) Dan Pavement Condition Index (Pci) Untuk Penilaian Kondisi Jalan Di Kabupaten Wonogiri
U Tho’atin, A Setyawan, M Suprapto
Prosiding Semnastek, 2016
Cold mix, cold laid semi-flexible grouted macadams, mix design and properties
SE Zoorob, KE Hassan, A Setyawan
Performance of Bituminous and Hydraulic Materials in Pavements, 105-112, 2017
The effect of pavement condition on vehicle speeds and motor vehicles emissions
A Setyawan, I Kusdiantoro
Procedia Engineering 125, 424-430, 2015
Design and properties of hot mixture porous asphalt for semi-flexible pavement applications
A Setyawan
Jurnal penelitian Media Teknik Sipil, Edisi Juli, 2005
Development of semi-flexible heavy-duty pavements
A Setyawan
University of Leeds, 2006
The evaluation of functional performance of national roadway using three types of pavement assessments methods
DP Siswoyo, A Setyawan
Procedia Engineering 171, 1435-1442, 2017
Thermodynamic Study of Palm Kernel Shell Gasification for Aggregate Heating in An Asphalt Mixing Plant.
FA Putro, SH Pranolo, J Waluyo, A Setyawan
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development 9 (2), 2020
Evaluasi Sistem Saluran Drainase di Ruas Jalan Solo Sragen Kabupaten Karanganyar
AK Dewi, A Setiawan, AP Saido
Matriks Teknik Sipil 2 (1), 170, 2014
Investigating and comparing traffic induced and restrained temperature stresses in a conventional rigid pavement and semi-rigid layers
A Setyawan, SE Zoorob, KE Hasan
Procedia Engineering 54, 875-884, 2013
Desain beton berpori untuk perkerasan jalan yang ramah lingkungan
DA Prabowo, A Setyawan, KA Sambowo
Matriks Teknik Sipil 1 (2), 2013
Analisis Kondisi Fungsional Jalan Dengan Metode Psi Dan Rci Serta Prediksi Sisa Umur Perkerasan Jalan Studi Kasus: Jalan Batas Kota Wates–Milir
NA Nugraheni
UNS (Sebelas Maret University), 2017
The use of international roughness index and structural number for rehabilitation and maintenance policy of local highway
M Suprapto, A Setyawan
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 176 (1), 012031, 2017
Design and properties of renewable bioasphalt for flexible pavement
MAD Yami, MF Nasution, A Setyawan
Procedia engineering 171, 1413-1420, 2017
Road maintenance and rehabilitation program using functional and structural assessment
AI Setianingsih, S Sangaji, A Setyawan
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 176 (1), 012030, 2017
The application of porous concrete filled with soil and sands for low volume traffic road
D Sarwono, A Setyawan
Procedia engineering 171, 1429-1434, 2017
Study on structural performance of asphalt concrete and hot rolled sheet through viscoelastic characterization
SR Harnaeni, FP Pramesti, A Budiarto, A Setyawan, MI Khan, MH Sutanto
Materials 13 (5), 1133, 2020
Prediction of pavement remaining service life based on repetition of load and permanent deformation
RS Usman, A Setyawan, M Suprapto
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 333 (1), 012089, 2018
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