Uros Radosavljevic
Uros Radosavljevic
Professor of Urbanism, University of Belgrade Faculty of Architecture
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Reframing public interest in the implementation of large urban projects in Serbia: The case of Belgrade Waterfront Project
K Lalović, U Radosavljević, Z Đukanović
Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering 13 (1), 35-46, 2015
Strategic planning and management model for the regeneration of historic urban landscapes: The case of historic center of Novi Pazar in Serbia
E Muminović, U Radosavljević, D Beganović
Sustainability 12 (4), 1323, 2020
Use of cultural heritage for place branding in educational projects: the case of Smederevo and Golubac fortresses on the Danube
U Radosavljević, I Kuletin Ćulafić
Sustainability 11 (19), 5234, 2019
Nodes and networks: The generative role of cultural heritage for urban revival in Kikinda
U Radosavljević, A Đorđević, K Lalović, J Živković, Z Đukanović
Sustainability 11 (9), 2509, 2019
Educational projects for linking place branding and urban planning in Serbia
U Radosavljević, A Đorđević, J Živković, K Lalović, Z Đukanović
European Planning Studies 28 (7), 1431-1451, 2020
Conditions influencing waterfront development and urban actors capacity as a strategic response
U Radosavljević
Spatium, 78-83, 2008
An integral approach to the modeling of information support for local sustainable development—Experiences of a Serbian enabling leadership experiment
K Lalović, J Živković, U Radosavljević, Z Đukanović
Sustainability 11 (9), 2675, 2019
Formation of the urban management model in the implementation of strategic projects
UB Radosavljević
Универзитет у Београду, 2015
Plan for tourist valorization of Golubac Fortress
U Radosavljević, T Mrđenović, S Krell, J Pavić
Belgrade, Serbia, 2010
Participatory urban design for touristic presentation of cultural heritage sites: the case of Negotinske Pivnice (wine cellars) in Serbia
Z Đukanović, J Živković, U Radosavljević, K Lalović, P Jovanović
Sustainability 13 (18), 10039, 2021
Business improvement districts as a management instrument for city center’s regeneration in Serbia
U Radosavljević, A Đorđević, J Živković
Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering 13 (1), 11-22, 2015
Uređenje, korišćenje i mere zaštite poljoprivrednog zemljišta Opštine Kosjerić [Srbija]
MV Oljača, SI Oljača, D Kovačević, D Radivojević, K Gligorević, M Pajić, ...
Uređenje, korišćenje i zaštita poljoprivrednog zemljišta opštine Ub
M Oljača, S Oljača, D Kovačević, L Ružičić, M Pajić, M Ralević, B Mitrović, ...
Poljoprivredna tehnika, Godina XXXII, Broj 4, 11-23, 2007
Urban design education for placemaking: Learning from experimental educational projects
J Živković, Z Đukanović, U Radosavljević
Keeping up with technologies to create cognitive city, 114-137, 2019
Instrumenti urbanog menadžmenta za lokalni razvoj
U Radosavljević, A Đorđević, J Radosavljević
Zbornik radova [Elektronski izvor]/Šesti naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim …, 2016
Urban Management Model in the Implementation of Strategic Projects in Serbia
U Radosavljević, K Lalović, J Živković
Zbornik radova [Elektronski izvor]/X simpozijum Istraživanja i projektovanja …, 2014
Urban Management & Mobility in Strategic Projects in Eastern Serbia
U Radosavljević, D Furundžić
[Proceedings of the Second] International Conference on Traffic and …, 2014
Sprovođenje zakonske regulative na području posebne namene nacionalnog parka Tara i parka prirode Šargan-Mokra gora
M Milosavljević, U Radosavljević
Deveti naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Lokalna samouprava u …, 2022
Urban design education for placemaking: Between cognition and emotion
J Živković, Z Đukanović, U Radosavljević
Conference Proceedings [Elektronski izvor]/3rd international Academic …, 2016
Perspectives for urban experts in future urban development and mobility practice in Serbia
U Radosavljević, K Lalović, T Mrđenović
REAL CORP 2010. Cities for Everyone: Liveable, Healthy, Prosperous …, 2010
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