Sanni Kahila
Sanni Kahila
Early stage Researcher
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Children’s gaming involves much more than the gaming itself: A study of the metagame among 12-to 15-year-old children
J Kahila, M Tedre, S Kahila, H Vartiainen, T Valtonen, K Mäkitalo
Convergence 27 (3), 768-786, 2021
Teacher leadership in the context of early childhood education: Concepts, characteristics and enactment
SK Kahila, J Heikka, N Sajaniemi
Southeast Asia Early Childhood Journal 9 (1), 28-43, 2020
Shadowing teachers as pedagogical leaders in early childhood education settings in Finland
J Heikka, S Kahila, K Suhonen
Journal of Early Childhood Education Research 11 (2), 151-173, 2022
A study of pedagogical leadership plans in early childhood education settings in Finland
JE Heikka, SK Kahila, KK Suhonen
South African journal of childhood education 10 (1), 1-9, 2020
“At worst it leads to madness.” A phenomenographic approach on how early childhood education professionals experience emotions in teamwork
S Ranta, H Harju-Luukkainen, S Kahila, E Korkeaniemi
Nordisk barnehageforskning 19 (3), 2022
Gamer rage—Children’s perspective on issues impacting losing one’s temper while playing digital games
J Kahila, J Viljaranta, S Kahila, S Piispa-Hakala, H Vartiainen
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 33, 100513, 2022
Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat tiimijohtajuutta toteuttamassa–taustatekijöiden vaikutus opettajien kokemuksiin tiimijohtajuudesta
S Ranta, S Kahila, H Heiskanen, KR Kumpulainen
Journal of Early Childhood Education Research 12 (2), 201-228, 2023
Links between teachers’ planning, assessment and development time and implementation of curriculum in early childhood education
J Heikka, R Hirvonen, S Kahila, H Pitkäniemi, T Yada, E Hujala
Early Years 43 (4-5), 1102-1117, 2023
Pedagogiikkaa poikkeusaikana–päiväkotien varhaiskasvatushenkilöstön kokemuksia pedagogiikan toteuttamisesta COVID-19-pandemian aikana
T Kuutti, S Kahila, N Sajaniemi
Journal of Early Childhood Education Research 10 (3), 217–239-217–239, 2021
Teachers’ time for planning, assessment and development connected to staff well-being in early childhood education
J Heikka, S Kahila, H Pitkäniemi, E Hujala
Education in childhood 73, 2021
'If the game does not work, it is lagging, or you die in game, you just get furious'-Children's experiences on gamer rage
J Kahila, S Piispa-Hakala, S Kahila, T Valtonen, H Vartiainen, M Tedre
GamiFIN Conference 2021, 2021
Pedagogical leadership in early childhood education teachers’ work
J Heikka, K Suhonen, S Kahila
Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care: A Multi-theoretical perspective …, 2022
Students' discourses on interprofessional collaboration in the context of Finnish early childhood education
S Kahila, T Kuutti, J Heikka, N Sajaniemi
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 41, 100736, 2023
Team leadership profiles in Finnish early childhood education centres–Teachers’ experiences of team leadership
S Ranta, H Heiskanen, S Kahila
Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 17411432231168234, 2023
A typology of metagamers: identifying player types based on beyond the game activities
J Kahila, T Valtonen, S López-Pernas, M Saqr, H Vartiainen, S Kahila, ...
Games and Culture, 15554120231187758, 2023
The significance of practicum work communities for students’ professional development–Perceptions of Finnish ECE teacher students
S Kahila, T Kuutti, J Kahila, N Sajaniemi
Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 45 (1), 38-55, 2024
Interprofessional practicum in the context of Finnish early childhood education and care
S Kahila, T Kuutti, J Kahila, N Sajaniemi
Journal of Early Childhood Education Research 12 (3), 89-118, 2023
Correction to: Pedagogical Leadership in Early Childhood Education Teachers’ Work
J Heikka, K Suhonen, S Kahila
Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care: A Multi-theoretical perspective …, 2022
Adolescents’ digital game-related information-seeking
J Kahila, M Tedre, S Kahila, H Vartiainen, T Valtonen
Informaatiotutkimus 40 (1), 8–26-8–26, 2021
Familiar and comfortable vs. unfamiliar and demanding–Students' discourses on teachers’ responsibility and leadership in Finnish early childhood education
S Kahila, J Heikka, N Sajaniemi
Teaching and Teacher Education 140, 104495, 2024
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