Abdul Basyith
Abdul Basyith
Universitas Serelo Lahat
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Metodologi Penelitian untuk Manajemen dan Akuntansi
F Fauzi, DI Dencik, AB, Asiati
Metodologi Penelitian untuk Manajemen dan Akuntansi, 0
The determinants of capital structure: An empirical study of New Zealand-listed firms
F Fauzi, A Basyith, M Idris
Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting 5 (2), 1, 2013
Corporate governance, intellectual capital and firm performance
A Basyith
Macrothink Institute, 2016
Does working capital management affect profitability? empirical evidence from indonesia listed firms
A Basyith, A Djazuli, F Fauzi
Asian Economic and Financial Review 11 (3), 236, 2021
Women on boardroom: Does it create risk?
F Fauzi, A Basyith, PL Ho
Cogent Economics & Finance 5 (1), 1325117, 2017
The impact of board structure and ownership structure on firm performance: An evidence from blue chip firms listed in Indonesian stock exchange
B Abdul, F Fitriya, I Muhammad
Corporate Ownership & Control 12 (3), 2015
The gender effect on small business enterprises' firm performance: Evidence from Indonesia
A Basyith, M Idris
Indian Journal of Economics and Business 13 (1), 2014
Committee on board: Does it matter? A study of Indonesian Sharia-listed firms
F Fauzi, A Basyith, D Foo
Cogent Economics & Finance 5 (1), 1, 2017
Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Sektor Pertambangan Antara PMA dan PMDN Di Bursa Efek Indonesia
A Basyith, I Fadillah
Journal Management, Business, And Accounting 18 (1), 1-17, 2019
Islamic bond announcement: is there any effect on returns?
F Fauzi, D Foo, A Basyith
Global Business Review 18 (2), 327-347, 2017
Statistik Multivariat: Analisis Anova, Manova, Ancova, Mancova, Repeated Measures Dengan Aplikasi Excel Dan SPSS
AB Dencik, FF Yahya, MI Yoesoef, MN Salim
Disclosure of green banking, profitability and company size on company value in banking in Indonesia
A Pratiwi, A Basyith, E Safitri
International Journal of Finance Research 4 (2), 115-127, 2023
Moving in the right direction to fight financial crime: prevention and detection
F Fauzi, K Szulczyk, A Basyith
Journal of Financial Crime 25 (2), 362-368, 2018
The Impact of Capital Structure on Profitability in the Telecommunication Industry Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange
IWS Wiyasa, A Basyith
3rd Global Conference On Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME …, 2020
Pelatihan Evaluasi Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Gamifikasi Menggunaan Quizizz Pada Bimbingan Belajar Al Hikmah Palembang
A Basyith, F Fauzi
Jurnal Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat 3 (1), 24-34, 2022
Whistleblowing, fraud prevention, and fraud awareness: Evidence from the Palembang Local Government of Indonesia
P Periansya, E Dewata, AR Sopiyan, Y Sari, A Basyith
Problems and Perspectives in Management 21 (2), 556, 2023
Perbandingan Struktur Modal dan Nilai Perusahaan Sebelum dan Saat Pandemi Covid-19 di Bursa Efek Indonesia
D Asri, A Basyith, U Kalsum
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Manajemen, Akuntansi dan Bisnis 3 (3), 139-162, 2022
Company's Financial Performance Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
B Setiawan, A Basyith, R Hidayat
International Journal of Finance Research 3 (3), 187-200, 2022
The doubled-edge sword of raising the minimum wage: The case of Indonesia
A Basyith, RI Zainal
Asian Economic and Financial Review 10 (12), 1453, 2020
The impact of Islamic debt on company value
F Fauzi, S Locke, A Basyith, M Idris
Islamic banking and finance–Essays on corporate finance, efficiency and …, 2015
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