Wing Yin LAU
Effect of vibration treatment on symptoms associated with eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage
WY Lau, K Nosaka
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 90 (8), 648-657, 2011
Metagenome-assembled genome binning methods with short reads disproportionately fail for plasmids and genomic islands
F Maguire, B Jia, KL Gray, WYV Lau, RG Beiko, FSL Brinkman
Microbial genomics 6 (10), e000436, 2020
Visual analog scale and pressure pain threshold for delayed onset muscle soreness assessment
WY Lau, M Muthalib, K Nosaka
Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 21 (4), 320-326, 2013
Assessment of muscle pain induced by elbow-flexor eccentric exercise
WY Lau, AJ Blazevich, MJ Newton, SSX Wu, K Nosaka
Journal of athletic training 50 (11), 1140-1148, 2015
Changes in electrical pain threshold of fascia and muscle after initial and secondary bouts of elbow flexor eccentric exercise
WY Lau, AJ Blazevich, MJ Newton, SSX Wu, K Nosaka
European Journal of Applied Physiology 115, 959-968, 2015
Pacing strategies during the swim, cycle and run disciplines of sprint, Olympic and half-Ironman triathlons
SSX Wu, JJ Peiffer, J Brisswalter, K Nosaka, WY Lau, CR Abbiss
European journal of applied physiology 115, 1147-1154, 2015
Reduced muscle lengthening during eccentric contractions as a mechanism underpinning the repeated-bout effect
WY Lau, AJ Blazevich, MJ Newton, SSX Wu, K Nosaka
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 2015
Relationship between isometric contraction intensity and muscle hardness assessed by ultrasound strain elastography
T Inami, T Tsujimura, T Shimizu, T Watanabe, WY Lau, K Nosaka
European journal of applied physiology 117, 843-852, 2017
Water intake after dehydration makes muscles more susceptible to cramp but electrolytes reverse that effect
WY Lau, H Kato, K Nosaka
BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine 5 (3), 2019
Improvement of sprint triathlon performance in trained athletes with positive swim pacing
SSX Wu, JJ Peiffer, P Peeling, J Brisswalter, WY Lau, K Nosaka, ...
International journal of sports physiology and performance 11 (8), 1024-1028, 2016
Effect of oral rehydration solution versus spring water intake during exercise in the heat on muscle cramp susceptibility of young men
WY Lau, H Kato, K Nosaka
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 18, 1-9, 2021
PSORTm: a bacterial and archaeal protein subcellular localization prediction tool for metagenomics data
MA Peabody, WYV Lau, GR Hoad, B Jia, F Maguire, KL Gray, RG Beiko, ...
Bioinformatics 36 (10), 3043-3048, 2020
Influence of age and sex on pacing during Sprint, Olympic, Half-Ironman and Ironman triathlons: part B
SSX Wu, JJ Peiffer, J Brisswalter, WY Lau, K Nosaka, CR Abbiss
Journal of Science and Cycling 3 (1), 2014
Pathogen-associated gene discovery workflows for novel antivirulence therapeutic development
WYV Lau, PK Taylor, FSL Brinkman, AHY Lee
EBioMedicine 88, 2023
Influence of race distance and biological sex on age-related declines in triathlon performance: Part A
SSX Wu, JJ Peiffer, J Brisswalter, WY Lau, K Nosaka, CR Abbiss
Journal of Science and Cycling 3 (1), 2014
Positive swim pacing improves sprint triathlon performance in trained athletes
SS Wu, JJ Peiffer, P Peeling, J Brisswalter, WY Lau, K Nosaka, CR Abbiss
University Of Tasmania, 2015
Effect of preconditioning exercise on biceps brachii myotendinous junction displacement during elbow flexor eccentric exercise
CC Ho, K Nosaka, KW Tseng, WC Tseng, WY Lau, GC Bogdanis, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 31 (4), 813-825, 2021
Increases in biceps brachii fascia thickness after eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors
K Nosaka, WY Lau
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 22 (4), 858, 2018
Positive swim pacing improves subsequent sprint distance triathlon performance in well-trained athletes
S Wu, J Peiffer, P Peeling, J Brisswalter, WY Lau, K Nosaka, C Abbiss
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 19, e5, 2015
Muscle damage induced by maximal eccentric exercise of the elbow flexors after 3‐week immobilization
TCC Chen, HY Kang, WC Tseng, SC Lin, CW Chan, HL Chen, TY Chou, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 33 (4), 382-392, 2023
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