Irek Walaszczyk
Irek Walaszczyk
Professor of Geology, Univeristy of Warsaw
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The global boundary stratotype section and point for the base of the Turonian stage of the Cretaceous: Pueblo, Colorado, USA
WJ Kennedy, I Walaszczyk, WA Cobban
Episodes Journal of International Geoscience 28 (2), 93-104, 2005
The Coniacian stage and substage boundaries
EG Kauffman, WJ Kennedy, CJ Wood
Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Sciences …, 1996
Lower Turonian Euramerican Inoceramidae: a morphologic, taxonomic, and biostratigraphic overview
PJ Harries, EG Kauffman, JS Crampton, P Bengtson, S Cech, JA Crame, ...
Mitteilungen aus dem geologisch-paläontologischen Institut der Universität …, 1996
Biogeographical and stratigraphical significance of the latest Turonian and Early Coniacian inoceramid/ammonite succession of the Manasoa section on the Onilahy River, south …
I Walaszczyk, R Marcinowski, T Praszkier, K Dembicz, M Bieńkowska
Cretaceous Research 25 (4), 543-576, 2004
Prionocyclus germari (), a Late Turonian marker fossil from the Bagh Beds of central India
WJ Kennedy, VG Phansalkar, I Walaszczyk
Cretaceous Research 24 (4), 433-438, 2003
The youngest Maastrichtian ‘true’inoceramids from the Vijlen Member (Gulpen Formation) in northeast Belgium and the Aachen area (Germany)
I Walaszczyk, JWM Jagt, N Keutgen
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 89 (2), 147-167, 2010
Correlation of marine and terrestrial Upper Cretaceous sediments by their magnetic susceptibility
HJ Hansen, KL Rasmussen, L Oingsheng, C Benjamini, I Walaszczyk, ...
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark 40, 175-184, 1993
Palynology and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Turonian–Coniacian boundary: The proposed boundary stratotype at Salzgitter-Salder, Germany and its correlation in …
IAN Jarvis, M Pearce, T Püttmann, S Voigt, I Walaszczyk
Cretaceous Research 123, 104782, 2021
The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Campanian Stage at Bottaccione (Gubbio, Italy) and its Auxiliary Sections: Seaford Head (UK), Bocieniec (Poland …
A Gale, S Batenburg, R Coccioni, Z Dubicka, E Erba, F Falzoni, J Haggart, ...
Episodes Journal of International Geoscience 46 (3), 451-490, 2023
Inoceramid bivalves from the Turonian/Coniacian (Cretaceous) boundary in Romania: revisions of Simonescu's (1899) material from Ürmös (Ormenis), Transylvania
I Walaszczyk, L Szasz
Cretaceous Research 18 (6), 767-787, 1997
Taxonomy of the lower and lower middle Turonian inoceramids from Pueblo
I Walaszczyk, WA Cobban
Pueblo, Colorado, USA, candidate Global boundary Stratotype Section and …, 2000
Reassessment of the Salzgitter-Salder section as a potential stratotype for the Turonian–Coniacian boundary: stable carbon isotopes and cyclostratigraphy constrained by …
S Voigt, T Püttmann, J Mutterlose, A Bornemann, I Jarvis, M Pearce, ...
Newsletters on Stratigraphy 54 (2), 209-228, 2021
Correlation of the late Santonian-early Campanian of Texas, USA with the Anglo-Paris Basin (United Kingdom) and other regions
A Gale, J Kennedy, I Walaszczyk
Newsletters on Stratigraphy 54 (4), 433-460, 2021
obradovich, Jd and Mckinney, kC 2006. a USGS zonal table for the Upper Cretaceous Middle Cenomanian-Maastrichtian of the Western Interior of te United States based on ammonites …
W Cobban, I Walaszczyk
US Geological Survery open-File report, 2006
With contributions by Linnert, C., Püttmann, T., and Toshimitsu, S. 2021. The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Coniacian Stage …
I Walaszczyk, S Čech, JS Crampton, Z Dubicka, C Ifrim, I Jarvis, ...
Episodes, online: doi 10, 0
Olszewska− Nejbert, D. 1995. Stratigra− phy and regional development of the mid− Cretaceous (Upper Albian through Coniacian) of the Mangyshlak Mountains, Western Kazakhstan
R Marcinowski, I Walaszczyk
Acta Geologica Polonica 46, 1-60, 0
A sponge horizon at the Coniacian-Santonian boundary of the Saratov Cretaceous; integrated stratigraphy and palaeogeograhic significance
I Walaszczyk, E Pervushov, V Seltser, Z Dubicka
Меловая система России и ближнего зарубежья: проблемы стратиграфии и …, 2018
Upper Cretaceous deposits in the Volsk structural zone of the East European Platform: Turonian–Lower Campanian of the Kommunar Section: Paper 1. Geological setting, benthic …
EM Pervushov, IP Ryabov, VB Seltser, I Walaszczyk, EA Kalyakin, ...
Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation 29 (Suppl 1), S96-S119, 2021
Upper Cretaceous Deposits of the Volsk Structural Zone of the East European Platform: Turonian–Lower Campanian of the Kommunar Section: Paper 2. Macrofauna Review, Conclusions
EM Pervushov, IP Ryabov, VB Sel’tser, I Walaszczyk, EA Kalyakin, ...
Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation 30 (2), 89-115, 2022
About this title-Cretaceous Project 200 Volume 2: Regional Studies
MB Hart, SJ Batenburg, BT Huber, GD Price, N Thibault, M Wagreich, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 545 (1), SP545-000, 2024
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