Thanh Nguyen-Xuan
Thanh Nguyen-Xuan
University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)
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Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating extreme rainfall and temperature indices over the CORDEX‐Southeast Asia region
T Ngo‐Duc, FT Tangang, J Santisirisomboon, F Cruz, L Trinh‐Tuan, ...
International Journal of Climatology 37 (3), 1634-1647, 2017
A new spatially distributed added value index for regional climate models: the EURO-CORDEX and the CORDEX-CORE highest resolution ensembles
JM Ciarlo, E Coppola, A Fantini, F Giorgi, XJ Gao, Y Tong, RH Glazer, ...
Climate Dynamics, 1-22, 2020
The Vietnam gridded precipitation (VnGP) dataset: construction and validation
T Nguyen-Xuan, T Ngo-Duc, H Kamimera, L Trinh-Tuan, J Matsumoto, ...
SOLA 12, 291-296, 2016
2018 summer extreme temperatures in South Korea and their intensification under 3° C global warming
ES Im, NX Thanh, YH Kim, JB Ahn
Environmental Research Letters 14 (9), 094020, 2019
Emergence of robust anthropogenic increase of heat stress-related variables projected from CORDEX-CORE climate simulations (Aug, 10.1007/s00382-020-05398-w, 2020)
ES Im, NX Thanh, L Qiu, M Ashfaq, X Gao, T Yao, C Torma, MO Adeniyi, ...
CLIMATE DYNAMICS 57 (5-6), 1645-1645, 2021
Seasonal prediction of surface air temperature across Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model version 4.2 (RegCM4. 2)
T Phan Van, H Van Nguyen, L Trinh Tuan, T Nguyen Quang, T Ngo-Duc, ...
Advances in Meteorology 2014, 2014
Evaluation of the NCEP Climate Forecast System and its downscaling for seasonal rainfall prediction over Vietnam
T Phan-Van, T Nguyen-Xuan, H Van Nguyen, P Laux, H Pham-Thanh, ...
Weather and Forecasting 33 (3), 615-640, 2018
Evaluation of the performance of the non-hydrostatic RegCM4 (RegCM4-NH) over Southeastern China
T Nguyen-Xuan, SL Lam, F Giorgi, E Coppola, G Giuliani, X Gao, ES Im
Climate Dynamics 58 (5), 1419-1437, 2022
Sensitivity of summer precipitation over Korea to convective parameterizations in the RegCM4: an updated assessment
T Nguyen-Xuan, L Qiu, ES Im, J Hur, KM Shim
Advances in Meteorology 2020, 1-15, 2020
Assessing the performance of the non-hydrostatic RegCM4 with the improved urban parameterization over southeastern China
T Nguyen-Xuan, ES Im
Urban Climate 49, 2023
The Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling (SEACLID)/CORDEX Southeast Asia Project and The Results of Its Sensitivity Experiments of RegCM4 Cumulus and Ocean Fluxes …
F Tangang, L Juneng, F Cruz, G Narisma, J Dado, TP Van, T Ngo-Duc, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7853, 2015
Characterization of temperature and humidity effects on extreme heat stress under global warming and urban growth in the Pearl and Yangtze River deltas of China
Z Zhou, T Nguyen-Xuan, H Liao, L Qiu, ES Im
Weather and Climate Extremes, 100659, 2024
Identification and trend analysis of compound meteorological hazards along Vietnam’s coastline
T Nguyen-Duy, T Ngo-Duc, D Nguyen-Le, T Nguyen-Xuan, T Phan-Van
Natural Hazards, 1-17, 2024
Regional Impacts of Global Warming on Extreme Heat Stress Based on Regional Climate Projections
ES Im, T Nguyen-Xuan, L Qiu
100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 2020
2018 summer heatwave in South Korea and their intensification under 3℃ global warming
YH Kim, ES Im, NX Thanh, A Juzbasic, SH Kim, JB Ahn
한국기상학회 학술대회 논문집, 29-29, 2019
Seasonal Prediction for Vietnam using RegCM4. 2
P Van Tan, H Van Nguyen, L Trinh-Tuan, T Nguyen-Quang, T Ngo-Duc, ...
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