Juan Luis Alonso
Juan Luis Alonso
Universidad de Oviedo (Professor, retired)
在 uniovi.es 的电子邮件经过验证
A thin skinned tectonics model for an arcuate fold and thrust belt: the Cantabrian Zone
A Pérez-Estaún, F Bastida, JL Alonso, JL Marquínez, J Aller, ...
Tectonics 7, 517-537, 1988
W5 Tertiary basins and Alpine tectonics in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain)
JL Alonso, J Pulgar, J García-Ramos, P Barba
Tertiary basins of Spain: the stratigraphic record of crustal kinematics, 1996
Seismic image of the Cantabrian Mountains in the western extension of the Pyrenees from integrated ESCIN reflection and refraction data
JA Pulgar, J Gallart, G Fernández-Viejo, J Alvarez-Marrón, EGJL Alonso, ...
Tectonophysics 264, 1-20, 1996
Paleogeographic inversion resulting from large out of sequence breaching thrusts: The León Fault (Cantabrian Zone, NW Iberia). A new picture of the external Variscan Thrust …
JL Alonso, A Marcos, A Suárez
Geologica Acta 7 (4), 0451-473, 2009
Origin and significance of olistostromes in the evolution of orogenic belts: A global synthesis
A Festa, K Ogata, GA Pini, Y Dilek, JL Alonso
Gondwana Research 39, 180-203, 2016
La deformación alpina en el basamento varisco de la Zona Cantábrica
JA Pulgar, JL Alonso, RG Espina, JA Marín
Trabajos de geologia, 283-295, 1999
Crustal structure of the external variscides in northwest Spain from deep seismic reflection profiling
A Pérez-Estaún, JA Pulgar, E Banda, JENRG Alvarez-Marrón
Tectonophysics 232, 91-118, 1994
Sequences of thrusts and displacement transfer in the superposed duplexes of the Esla Nappe Region (Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain)
JL Alonso
Journal of Structural Geology 9 (8), 969-983, 1987
Displacement transfer from borders to interior of a plate: A crustal transect of Iberia
L Quintana, JA Pulgar, JL Alonso
Tectonophysics 663, 378-398, 2015
Estructura y evolución tectonoestratigráfica del Manto del Esla (Zona Cantábrica, NW de España)
JL Alonso
Publicaciones de la Diputación Provincial de León. Institución Fray …, 1987
Extensional tectonics and gravitational collapse in an Ordovician passive margin: The Western Argentine Precordillera
JL Alonso, J Gallastegui, J García-Sansegundo, P Farias, LRR Fernández, ...
Gondwana Research 13 (2), 204-215, 2008
Structure and organization of the Porma mélange: progressive denudation of a submarine nappe toe by gravitational collapse
JL Alonso, A Marcos, A Suárez
American Journal of Science 306 (1), 32-65, 2006
Hinterland-foreland zonation of the Variscan orogen in the Central Pyrenees: comparison with the northern part of the Iberian Variscan Massif
J García-Sansegundo, J Poblet, JL Alonso, P Clariana
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 349 (1), 169-184, 2011
Fold reactivation involving angular unconformable sequences. Theoretical analysis and natural examples from the Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain)
JL Alonso
Tectonophysics 170, 55-77, 1989
El relieve de la Cordillera Cantábrica
JL Alonso, FJÁ Pulgar, D Pedreira
Enseñanza de las Ciencias de la Tierra 15 (2), 151-163, 2007
Growth and propagation of buckle folds determined from syntectonic sediments (the Ubierna Fold Belt, Cantabrian Mountains, N Spain)
RG Espina, JL Alonso, JA Pulgar
Journal of Structural Geology 18 (4), 431-441, 1996
Forelimb deformation in some natural examples of fault-propagation folds
JL Alonso, A Teixell
Thrust tectonics, 175-180, 1992
The Pre-Andean Phases of Construction of the Southern Andes Basement in Neoproterozoic–Paleozoic Times
The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes, 111-131, 2018
Stratigraphy and structure of the southeastern Garona Dome
J Garcia-Sansegundo, J Luis Alonso
Geodinamica Acta 3 (2), 127-134, 1989
Mélanges and other types of block-in-matrix formations in the Cantabrian Zone (Variscan Orogen, northwest Spain): origin and significance
JL Alonso, A Marcos, E Villa, A Súarez, OA Merino-Tomé, LP Fernández
International Geology Review, 563-580, 2015
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