Mapping journalism cultures across nations: A comparative study of 18 countries T Hanitzsch, F Hanusch, C Mellado, M Anikina, R Berganza, I Cangoz, ... Journalism studies 12 (3), 273-293, 2011 | 986 | 2011 |
Political communication in a high-choice media environment: a challenge for democracy? P Van Aelst, J Strömbäck, T Aalberg, F Esser, C De Vreese, J Matthes, ... Annals of the International Communication Association 41 (1), 3-27, 2017 | 908 | 2017 |
The European media discourse on immigration and its effects: A literature review JM Eberl, CE Meltzer, T Heidenreich, B Herrero, N Theorin, F Lind, ... Annals of the International Communication Association 42 (3), 207-223, 2018 | 601 | 2018 |
Investigar en comunicación B Conde, M Rosa, JA Ruíz San Román Guía práctica de métodos y técnicas de investigación social en comunicación, 2005 | 519 | 2005 |
Worlds of journalism: Journalistic cultures around the globe T Hanitzsch, F Hanusch, J Ramaprasad, A De Beer Columbia University Press, 2019 | 469 | 2019 |
Negativity in political news: A review of concepts, operationalizations and key findings G Lengauer, F Esser, R Berganza Journalism 13 (2), 179-202, 2012 | 416 | 2012 |
Modeling perceived influences on journalism: Evidence from a cross-national survey of journalists T Hanitzsch, M Anikina, R Berganza, I Cangoz, M Coman, B Hamada, ... Journalism & mass communication quarterly 87 (1), 5-22, 2010 | 409 | 2010 |
Political information opportunities in Europe: A longitudinal and comparative study of thirteen television systems F Esser, CH De Vreese, J Strömbäck, P Van Aelst, T Aalberg, J Stanyer, ... The international journal of press/politics 17 (3), 247-274, 2012 | 261 | 2012 |
La mujer y el hombre en la publicidad televisiva: imágenes y estereotipos R Berganza, M Hoyo Hurtado ZER: Revista de Estudios de Comunicación, 2006 | 202 | 2006 |
Medios de comunicación," espiral del cinismo" y desconfianza política: Estudio de caso de la cobertura mediática de los comicios electorales europeos MR Berganza Conde Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko …, 2008 | 141 | 2008 |
Explaining journalists' trust in public institutions across 20 countries: Media freedom, corruption, and ownership matter most T Hanitzsch, R Berganza Journal of Communication 62 (5), 794-814, 2012 | 140 | 2012 |
Becoming journalists: A comparison of the professional attitudes and values of British and Spanish journalism students K Sanders, M Hanna, MR Berganza, JJ Sánchez Aranda European Journal of Communication 23 (2), 133-152, 2008 | 121 | 2008 |
Start spreading the news: A comparative experiment on the effects of populist communication on political engagement in sixteen European countries M Hameleers, L Bos, N Fawzi, C Reinemann, I Andreadis, N Corbu, ... The international journal of press/politics 23 (4), 517-538, 2018 | 101 | 2018 |
La construcción mediática de la violencia contra las mujeres desde la Teoría del Enfoque MR Berganza-Conde Communication & Society 16 (2), 9-32, 2003 | 98 | 2003 |
La percepción de los periodistas españoles acerca de sus roles profesionales= Spanish Journalists' Perception about their Professional Roles R Berganza, E Lavín, V Piñeiro-Naval Comunicar: Revista Científica Iberoamericana de Comunicación y Educación …, 2017 | 87* | 2017 |
Worlds of Journalism: Journalistic Cultures, Professional Autonomy and Perceived Influences Across 18 Nations T Hanitzsch, EAS JosefSeethaler, M Anikina, R Berganza, I Cangöz, ... The Global Journalist in the 21st Century, 473-494, 2012 | 87* | 2012 |
El método científico aplicado a la investigación en Comunicación Mediática MRB Conde, MCG Galera Investigar en Comunicación: guía práctica de métodos y técnicas de …, 2005 | 86 | 2005 |
Negativity F Esser, S Engesser, J Matthes, R Berganza Comparing political journalism, 71-91, 2016 | 66 | 2016 |
Sourcing the news: Comparing source use and media framing of the 2009 European parliamentary elections J Strömbäck, R Negrine, DN Hopmann, C Jalali, R Berganza, ... Journal of Political Marketing 12 (1), 29-52, 2013 | 59 | 2013 |
El espejo mágico. La nueva imagen de la mujer en la publicidad actual JJ Sánchez Aranda, C García Ortega, MM Grandío Pérez, R Berganza Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Bienestar Social, Deporte y Juventud, 2002 | 51 | 2002 |