Arndt Feuerbacher
Contrasting yield responses at varying levels of shade suggest different suitability of crops for dual land-use systems: a meta-analysis
M Laub, L Pataczek, A Feuerbacher, S Zikeli, P Högy
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 42 (3), 51, 2022
Revisiting the economic valuation of agricultural losses due to large-scale changes in pollinator populations
C Lippert, A Feuerbacher, M Narjes
Ecological Economics 180, 106860, 2021
An analytical framework to estimate the economics and adoption potential of dual land-use systems: The case of agrivoltaics
A Feuerbacher, M Laub, P Högy, C Lippert, L Pataczek, S Schindele, ...
Agricultural Systems 192, 103193, 2021
Is Bhutan destined for 100% organic? Assessing the economy-wide effects of a large-scale conversion policy
A Feuerbacher, J Luckmann, O Boysen, S Zikeli, H Grethe
PloS one 13 (6), e0199025, 2018
Estimating the economics and adoption potential of agrivoltaics in Germany using a farm-level bottom-up approach
A Feuerbacher, T Herrmann, S Neuenfeldt, M Laub, A Gocht
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 168, 112784, 2022
Seasonal rural labor markets and their relevance to policy analyses in developing countries
A Feuerbacher, S McDonald, C Dukpa, H Grethe
Food Policy 93, 101875, 2020
Low-cost electric fencing for peaceful coexistence: An analysis of human-wildlife conflict mitigation strategies in smallholder agriculture
A Feuerbacher, C Lippert, J Kuenzang, K Subedi
Biological Conservation 255, 108919, 2021
Increasing forest utilization within Bhutan's forest conservation framework: The economic benefits of charcoal production
A Feuerbacher, M Siebold, A Chhetri, C Lippert, K Sander
Forest Policy and Economics 73, 99-111, 2016
Agriculture and ecosystem services
H Hoffmann, S Schomers, K Sander, V Hickey, A Feuerbacher
Elsevier, 2019
A 2012 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Bhutan with a detailed representation of the agricultural sector (Technical Documentation)
A Feuerbacher, C Dukpa, H Grethe
The Cost of Air Pollution
K Sander, D Mira-Salama, A Feuerbacher
World Bank Group, Washington, DC, 2015
Economy-wide modelling of seasonal labour and natural resource policies
A Feuerbacher
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2019
Implications of Russia's war in Ukraine for the global agri-food sector-an ex-ante assessment using different simulation models.
M Berndt, K Boysen-Urban, S Ehjeij, A Espey, A Feuerbacher, D Flaig, ...
Policies to reconcile forest conservation and rural development: A pathway to bridge the forest transition in Bhutan?
A Feuerbacher, A Rai, H Lofgren, K Sander, H Grethe
Land Use Policy 109, 105647, 2021
Drivers and challenges of large-scale conversion policies to organic and agro-chemical free agriculture in South Asia
A Babajani, S Muehlberger, A Feuerbacher, C Wieck
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 21 (1), 2262372, 2023
Multiple rotations of Gaussian quadratures: An efficient method for uncertainty analyses in large-scale simulation models
D Stepanyan, H Grethe, G Zimmermann, K Siddig, A Deppermann, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 136, 104929, 2021
A 2012 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Bhutan with a detailed representation of the agricultural sector
A Feuerbacher, C Dukpa, H Grethe
Working Paper, 2017
Development of a 2007 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Bhutan and multiplier-based policy experiments
A Feuerbacher
MSc thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2014
Organic agriculture, labour exchange, and social networks: a case study of smallholder farming in Bhutan
Tshotsho, C Lippert, A Feuerbacher
Organic Agriculture 13 (1), 83-98, 2023
Labour‐saving technologies in smallholder agriculture: An economy‐wide model with field operations
A Feuerbacher, J Luckmann
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 67 (1), 56-82, 2023
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