Lachlan McKinna
Lachlan McKinna
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An overview of approaches and challenges for retrieving marine inherent optical properties from ocean color remote sensing
PJ Werdell, LIW McKinna, E Boss, SG Ackleson, SE Craig, WW Gregg, ...
Progress in oceanography 160, 186-212, 2018
Mapping the pollutants in surface riverine flood plume waters in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
MJ Devlin, P Harkness, L McKinna, BN Abbott, J Brodie
Marine Pollution Bulletin 65 (4/9), 224-235, 2012
Importance of wave-induced bed liquefaction in the fine sediment budget of Cleveland Bay, Great Barrier Reef
J Lambrechts, C Humphrey, L McKinna, O Gourge, KE Fabricius, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 89 (2), 154-162, 2010
Inter-annual variability of wet season freshwater plume extent into the Great Barrier Reef lagoon based on satellite coastal ocean colour observations
T Schroeder, MJ Devlin, VE Brando, AG Dekker, JE Brodie, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 65 (4-9), 210-223, 2012
On the surface circulation in the western Coral Sea and residence times in the Great Barrier Reef
S Choukroun, PV Ridd, R Brinkman, LIW McKinna
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 115 (C6), 2010
Three decades of ocean-color remote-sensing Trichodesmium spp. in the World’s oceans: A review
LIW McKinna
Progress in Oceanograpy 131, 177-199, 2015
A simple, binary classification algorithm for the detection of Trichodesmium spp. within the Great Barrier Reef using MODIS imagery
LIW McKinna, MJ Furnas, PV Ridd
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 9 (2), 50-66, 2011
A semianalytical ocean color inversion algorithm with explicit water column depth and substrate reflectance parameterization
LIW McKinna, PRC Fearns, SJ Weeks, PJ Werdell, M Reichstetter, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (3), 1741-1770, 2015
Digitise this! A quick and easy remote sensing method to monitor the daily extent of dredge plumes
RD Evans, KL Murray, SN Field, JAY Moore, G Shedrawi, BG Huntley, ...
PloS one 7 (12), e51668, 2012
Detecting trend and seasonal changes in bathymetry derived from HICO imagery: A case study of Shark Bay, Western Australia
Rodrigo A. Garcia, Peter R.C.S. Fearns, Lachlan I
Remote Sensing of Environment 147, 186-205, 2014
Bottom Reflectance in Ocean Color Satellite Remote Sensing for Coral Reef Environments
M Reichstetter, PRCS Fearns, SJ Weeks, LIW McKinna, C Roelfsema, ...
Remote Sensing 7 (12), 16756-16777, 2015
Improving the optimization solution for a semi-analytical shallow water inversion model in the presence of spectrally correlated noise
RA Garcia, LIW McKinna, JD Hedley, PRCS Fearns
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 12, 651-669, 2014
Approach for Propagating Radiometric Data Uncertainties Through NASA Ocean Color Algorithms
LIW McKinna, I Cetinic, AP Chase, PJ Werdell
Frotiers in Earth Science 7, 176, 2019
Monitoring and mapping of flood plumes in the Great Barrier Reef based on in situ and remote sensing observations
MJ Devlin, T Schroeder, LW McKinna, J Brodie, VE Brando, AG Dekker
Chapter 8, In N.B. Chang (Ed), Environmental Remote Sensing and Systems, 147-188, 2012
Model for deriving benthic irradiance in the Great Barrier Reef from MODIS satellite imagery
KE Magno-Canto, M.M., McKinna, L.I.W., Robson, B.J., Fabricius
Optics Express 27 (20), A1350-A1371, 2019
Implementation of an analytical Raman scattering correction for satellite ocean-color processing
LIW McKinna, PJ Werdell, CW Proctor
Optics Express 24 (14), A1123-A1137, 2016
Approach for identifying optically shallow pixels when processing ocean-color imagery
LIW McKinna, PJ Werdell
Optics Express 26 (22), A915-A928, 2018
Development and validation of an empirical ocean color color algorithm with uncertainties: a case study with the particulate backscattering coefficient
LIW McKinna, I Cetinić, PJ Werdell
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2021
Sensitivity of inherent optical properties from ocean reflectance inversion models to satellite instrument wavelength suites
PJ Werdell, LIW McKinna
Frontiers in earth science 7, 54, 2019
Phytoplankton composition from sPACE: Requirements, opportunities, and challenges
I Cetinić, CS Rousseaux, IT Carroll, AP Chase, SJ Kramer, PJ Werdell, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 302, 113964, 2024
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