Universitas Syiah Kuala
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An extended MULTIMOORA based on trapezoidal fuzzy neutrosophic sets and objective weighting method in group decision-making
I Irvanizam, Z Zulfan, PF Nasir, M Marzuki, S Rusdiana, N Salwa
Ieee Access 10, 47476-47498, 2022
An Extended Fuzzy TODIM Approach for Multiple‐Attribute Decision‐Making with Dual‐Connection Numbers
I Irvanizam, T Usman, M Iqbal, T Iskandar, M Marzuki
Advances in Fuzzy Systems 2020 (1), 6190149, 2020
An Improved EDAS Method Based on Bipolar Neutrosophic Set and Its Application in Group Decision‐Making
I Irvanizam, I Syahrini, NN Zi, N Azzahra, M Iqbal, M Marzuki, M Subianto
Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing 2021 (1), 1474629, 2021
SARIMA model for forecasting foreign tourists at the Kualanamu International Airport
A Rusyana, N Nurhasanah, M Marzuki, M Flancia
Mathematics, Statistics, and Their Applications (ICMSA), 2016 12th …, 2016
An application for smartphone preference using TODIM decision making method
I Irvanizam, M Marzuki, I Patria, R Abubakar
2018 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics …, 2018
The comparison of k-modes clustering and ROCK clustering to the poverty indicator in Samadua Subdistrict, South Aceh
H Sofyan, M Iqbal, M Marzuki, M Muhammad
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1087 (1), 012085, 2021
Pendugaan Selang Kepercayaan Persentil Bootstrap Nonparametrik untuk Parameter Regresi
M Marzuki, H Sofyan, A Rusyana
Statistika 10 (1), 2010
Assessment of mangrove forest damage and its recovery in Banda Aceh city post-tsunami disaster
M Affan, N Fadli, J Jufriadi, N Nazaruddin, H Sofyan, N Nizamuddin, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 348 (1), 012108, 2019
Pendeteksian Penyakit Diabetes di RSUD Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh dengan Sistem Fuzzy Mamdani
M Munawar, M Marzuki, R Radhiah
Journal of Data Analysis 1 (2), 103-110, 2018
Perbandingan Kinerja Indikator Makro Kota Subulussalam dengan Kabupaten Tetangga
M Iqbal, A Rajab, D Auliana, N Yusnianda, M Marzuki
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan 13 (2), 81-91, 2022
Kajian capaian indikator makro pembangunan Kota Subulussalam tahun 2015-2020
M Iqbal, M Marzuki, MH Pohan, S Syuhadi, R Ramadhan
Statistika 21 (2), 161-168, 2021
Persepsi Komunikasi Risiko Covid 19 Masyarakat Warung Kopi di Kota Banda Aceh
HM Syam, M Marzuki, D Yanuar
Communicatus: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi 5 (2), 141-160, 2021
Analisis MANOVA Satu Arah untuk Melihat Perbedaan Status Gizi Balita Berdasarkan Wilayah Pembangunan Utama di Indonesia Tahun 2017
M Iqbal, I Salsabila, DA Syahbani, J Douw, M Marzuki, A Rusyana
Journal of Data Analysis 3 (1), 50-61, 2021
Analisis dan Rancangan Sistem Fuzzy dalam Pengklasifikasian Tingkat Kemiskinan di Provinsi Aceh
H Sofyan, N Fazmi, LR Siregar, M Marzuki, M Iqbal, N Nazaruddin
Statistika 21 (1), 45-50, 2021
Implementation of decision tree using C5. 0 algorithm in preference and electability survey results on regional head election in Aceh
M Marzuki, M Iqbal, A Nivada, H Sofyan, T Usman, N Nazaruddin, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1882 (1), 012132, 2021
Penerapan Time Delay Neural Network pada Model Akustik untuk Sistem Voice-to-Text Berbahasa Sunda
A Misbullah, N Nazaruddin, M Marzuki, Z Zulfan
Journal of Data Analysis 2 (2), 61-70, 2020
Analisis Jumlah Kedatangan Kapal terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Ikan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Kutaraja Banda Aceh
R Thaib, E Saputra, M Shiddiq, Z Zulfan, R Rasudin, N Nazaruddin, ...
STATISTIKA Journal of Theoretical Statistics and Its Applications 23 (1), 57-62, 2023
Application of Transportation Methods in Optimizing Transportation Cost for Fleet Product Distribution
R Radhiah, S Rusdiana, M Marzuki, TM Saputra, Mukhra, U Handayani
Transcendent Journal of Mathematics and Application 2 (1), 20-26, 2023
Applying Fuzzy Decision Tree Method for Hypertension Classification in Adolescent
H Sofyan, E Elfayani, A Rahmatika, M Marzuki, I Irvanizam
International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 360-368, 2022
Analisis Kepuasan Pengguna Aplikasi RWikiStat 3.0
H Sofyan, R Rasudin, M Miftahuddin, K Saputra, M Marzuki, M Iqbal, ...
Journal of Data Analysis 2 (2), 80-87, 2020
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