Carlos Tornel
Carlos Tornel
Programa Nacional Estratégico de Energía y Cambio Climático
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Decolonizing energy justice from the ground up: Political ecology, ontology, and energy landscapes
C Tornel
Progress in Human Geography, 1-23, 2022
Energy justice in the context of green extractivism: Perpetuating ontological and epistemological violence in the Yucatan Peninsula
C Tornel
Journal of Political Ecology 30 (1), 1-28, 2023
Pluralizing energy justice? Towards cultivating an unruly, autonomous and insurrectionary research agenda
A Dunlap, C Tornel
Energy Research & Social Science 103, 103217, 2023
La Transición Energética en México: retos y oportunidades para una política ambientalmente sustentable y socialmente inclusiva
J Villareal, C Tornel
Fundación Friedrich Ebert en México, 2017
On design, development and the axes of pluriversal politics: An interview with Arturo Escobar
A Escobar, C Tornel, A Lunden
Nordia Geographical Publications 51 (2), 103-122, 2022
Petro-populism and infrastructural energy landscapes: The case of Mexico’s Dos Bocas Refinery
C Tornel
Nordia Geographical Publications - Political Ecologies of Inertia 49 (5), 6-31, 2021
Rentas eólicas y nuevos procesos de diferenciación social en el Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca
L Alonso, A Mejía, C Tornel
Tornel C. Alternativas para limitar el calentamiento global en 1, 268-92, 2019
An insurrection in energy research: a dialogue between Carlos Tornel and Alexander Dunlap on energy justice, capitalist warfare & decolonization
A Dunlap, C Tornel
Globalizations 21 (1), 162-182, 2024
Más allá de los combustibles fósiles: Transición fiscal en México
K Kühne, L Sanchez, J Roth, C Tornel, I Gerasimchuk
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2019
Climate change and capitalism: A degrowth agenda for climate justice
C Tornel
A research agenda for climate justice, 64-76, 2019
La Transición Energética en México: retos y oportunidades para una política ambientalmente sustentable y socialmente inclusiva
J Villarreal, C Tornel
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung en Mexico, 2017
Integrating social and justice dimensions to energy transitions: the case of Mexico
C Tornel
The Regulation and Policy of Latin American Energy Transitions, 283-301, 2020
Editorial to re-worlding: pluriversal politics in the Anthropocene
C Tornel, A Lunden
Nordia Geographical Publications 51 (2), 1-9, 2022
Seeking common ground: On possible dialogues between Marxisms and Political Ontology
C Tornel
Nordia Geographical Publications 51 (2), 2022
Do not go gentle into that good night: Contested narratives and political subjectivities in the Anthropocene
C Tornel, A Lunden
Imagining Apocalyptic Politics in the Anthropocene (https://doi.org/10.4324 …, 2022
Alternativas para limitar el calentamiento global en 1.5°C. Más allá de la economía verde
C Tornel
Alternativas para limitar el calentamiento global en 1.5°C. Más allá de la …, 2019
Energy justice beyond identity: Planting anarchist seeds towards total liberation
C Tornel
Progress in Human Geography 47 (2), 351-352, 2023
Call for Papers NGP Theme Issue 2021-Re-worlding: Pluriversal politics in the Anthropocene
A Lunden, C Tornel
Nordia Geographical Publications, 2021
México: la experiencia de fijar un precio al carbono (o la despolitización de las políticas climáticas en México).
C Tornel
Precio al carbono en América Latina: tendencias y oportunidades, 108-149, 2019
Weaving a rhizomatic pluriverse: Allin kawsay, the Crianza Mutua Networks, and the Global Tapestry of Alternatives
J Garcia-Arias, C Tornel, M Flores Gutiérrez
Globalizations, 1-21, 2024
文章 1–20