Studying software engineers: Data collection techniques for software field studies TC Lethbridge, SE Sim, J Singer Empirical software engineering 10, 311-341, 2005 | 759 | 2005 |
How software engineers use documentation: The state of the practice TC Lethbridge, J Singer, A Forward IEEE software 20 (6), 35-39, 2003 | 534 | 2003 |
Object-oriented software engineering: Practical Software Engineering Using UML and Java T Lethbridge, R Laganiere Mcgraw-Hill College, 2001 | 530* | 2001 |
Experiments with clustering as a software remodularization method N Anquetil, TC Lethbridge Sixth Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (Cat. No. PR00303), 235-255, 1999 | 463 | 1999 |
An examination of software engineering work practices J Singer, T Lethbridge, N Vinson, N Anquetil CASCON First Decade High Impact Papers, 174-188, 2010 | 454 | 2010 |
What knowledge is important to a software professional? TC Lethbridge Computer 33 (5), 44-50, 2000 | 423 | 2000 |
The relevance of software documentation, tools and technologies: a survey A Forward, TC Lethbridge Proceedings of the 2002 ACM symposium on Document engineering, 26-33, 2002 | 420 | 2002 |
Improving software practice through education: Challenges and future trends TC Lethbridge, J Diaz-Herrera, J Richard Jr, JB Thompson Future of Software Engineering (FOSE'07), 12-28, 2007 | 222 | 2007 |
A survey of trace exploration tools and techniques A Hamou-Lhadj, TC Lethbridge Proceedings of the 2004 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on …, 2004 | 200 | 2004 |
Summarizing the content of large traces to facilitate the understanding of the behaviour of a software system A Hamou-Lhadj, T Lethbridge 14th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC'06), 181-190, 2006 | 198 | 2006 |
Software engineering data collection for field studies J Singer, SE Sim, TC Lethbridge Guide to advanced empirical software engineering, 9-34, 2008 | 195 | 2008 |
Recovering software architecture from the names of source files N Anquetil, TC Lethbridge Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice 11 (3), 201-221, 1999 | 165 | 1999 |
Extracting concepts from file names; a new file clustering criterion N Anquetil, T Lethbridge Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Software engineering, 84-93, 1998 | 156 | 1998 |
Assessing the relevance of identifier names in a legacy software system. N Anquetil, TC Lethbridge CASCON 98, 4, 1998 | 147 | 1998 |
Problems and opportunities for model-centric versus code-centric software development: a survey of software professionals A Forward, TC Lethbridge Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Models in software …, 2008 | 137 | 2008 |
Evaluating individual contribution toward group software engineering projects JH Hayes, TC Lethbridge, D Port 25th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2003. Proceedings …, 2003 | 135 | 2003 |
A survey of the relevance of computer science and software engineering education TC Lethbridge Proceedings 11th Conference on Software Engineering Education, 56-66, 1998 | 122 | 1998 |
Priorities for the education and training of software engineers TC Lethbridge Journal of Systems and Software 53 (1), 53-71, 2000 | 121 | 2000 |
Recovering behavioral design models from execution traces A Hamou-Lhadj, E Braun, D Amyot, T Lethbridge Ninth European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 112-121, 2005 | 113 | 2005 |
The dagstuhl middle metamodel: A schema for reverse engineering TC Lethbridge, S Tichelaar, E Plödereder Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 94, 7-18, 2004 | 104 | 2004 |