Paul van der Vet
Paul van der Vet
在 utwente.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
Bottom-up construction of ontologies
PE Van Der Vet, NJI Mars
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and data Engineering 10 (4), 513-526, 1998
The Plinius ontology of ceramic materials
PE van der Vet, PH Speel, NJI Mars
Eleventh European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’94) Workshop …, 1994
Propagation of errors in citation networks: a study involving the entire citation network of a widely cited paper published in, and later retracted from, the journal Nature
PE Van Der Vet, H Nijveen
Research integrity and peer review 1, 1-10, 2016
Analysing scientific workflows: why workflows not only connect web services
I Wassink, PE Van Der Vet, K Wolstencroft, PBT Neerincx, M Roos, ...
2009 Congress on Services-I, 314-321, 2009
Applying a user-centered approach to interactive visualisation design
I Wassink, O Kulyk, B Dijk, G Veer, P Vet
Trends in Interactive Visualization: State-of-the-Art Survey, 175-199, 2009
Changes in the value chain of scientific information: economic consequences for academic institutions
HE Roosendaal, TWC Huibers, PATM Geurts, PE van der Vet
Online information review 27 (2), 120-128, 2003
Structured system of concepts for storing, retrieving, and manipulating chemical information
PE van der Vet, NJI Mars
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 33 (4), 564-568, 1993
Gestures for large display control
W Fikkert, P Van Der Vet, G van der Veer, A Nijholt
Gesture in Embodied Communication and Human-Computer Interaction: 8th …, 2010
Modeling biological pathway dynamics with timed automata
S Schivo, J Scholma, B Wanders, RAU Camacho, PE Van der Vet, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 18 (3), 832-839, 2013
Developments in scientific communication: Considerations on the value chain
HE Roosendaal, PATM Geurts, PE van der Vet
Information services & use 21 (1), 13-32, 2001
Designing for friendship: Becoming friends with your ECA
B Stronks, A Nijholt, P van Der Vet, D Heylen, A Machado
Proc. Embodied conversational agents-let's specify and evaluate them, 91-97, 2002
Ontologies for very large knowledge bases in materials science: a case study
PE van der Vet, N Mars
Towards very large knowledge bases, knowledge building and knowledge sharing …, 1995
Modelling with ANIMO: between fuzzy logic and differential equations
S Schivo, J Scholma, PE van der Vet, M Karperien, JN Post, J van de Pol, ...
BMC systems biology 10, 1-15, 2016
Designing workflows on the fly using e-BioFlow
I Wassink, M Ooms, P van der Vet
Service-Oriented Computing: 7th International Joint Conference, ICSOC …, 2009
TeddIR: tangible information retrieval for children
M Jansen, W Bos, P Van Der Vet, T Huibers, D Hiemstra
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on interaction design and …, 2010
Semi-automatic knowledge acquisition in Plinius: an engineering approach
N Mars, H de Jong, P Speel, WG ter Stal, PE van der Vet
8th Banff Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge Based Systems Workshop, KAW 1994, 1994
The debate between FA Paneth, G. Von Hevesy, and K. Fajans on the concept of chemical identity
P Van der Vet
Janus Leiden 66 (4), 285-303, 1979
e-BioFlow: Different perspectives on scientific workflows
I Wassink, H Rauwerda, P van der Vet, T Breit, A Nijholt
Bioinformatics Research and Development: Second International Conference …, 2008
User-evaluated gestures for touchless interactions from a distance
W Fikkert, P van der Vet, A Nijholt
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, 153-160, 2010
Runtime and memory usage performance of description logics
P Speel, F van Raalte, PE van der Vet, N Mars
International KRUSE symposium. Knowledge Retrieval, Use, and Storage for …, 1995
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