Yuri Russo
Yuri Russo
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Exeter
在 exeter.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Stepping forward, stepping backward: a movement-related cortical potential study unveils distinctive brain activities
M Berchicci, Y Russo, V Bianco, F Quinzi, L Rum, A Macaluso, ...
Behavioural brain research 388, 112663, 2020
Anticipatory postural adjustments in forward and backward single stepping: Task variability and effects of footwear
Y Russo, G Vannozzi
Journal of biomechanics 122, 110442, 2021
Does visual cueing improve gait initiation in people with Parkinson's disease?
Y Russo, S Stuart, C Silva-Batista, B Brumbach, G Vannozzi, M Mancini
Human movement science 84, 102970, 2022
Comparison of over-ground and treadmill perturbations for simulation of real-world slips and trips: A systematic review
T Siragy, Y Russo, W Young, SE Lamb
Gait & Posture 100, 201-209, 2023
Characterization of anticipatory postural adjustments in lateral stepping: Impact of footwear and lower limb preference
Y Russo, D Marinkovic, B Obradovic, G Vannozzi
Sensors 21 (24), 8244, 2021
How do different movement references influence ERP related to gait initiation? A comparative methods’ assessment
Y Russo, M Berchicci, F Di Russo, G Vannozzi
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 311, 95-101, 2019
“Posture first”: Interaction between posture and locomotion in people with low back pain during unexpectedly cued modification of gait initiation motor command
L Rum, Y Russo, G Vannozzi, A Macaluso
Human Movement Science 89, 103094, 2023
Evaluating the safety and efficacy of a memorized weight-shifting intervention designed to help people with Parkinson’s overcome freezing of gait
Y Russo, P Leveridge, Z Wang, J Ye, M Wilson, A Nieuwboer, E Kal, ...
Gait & Posture 105, S42-S43, 2023
Can A Single-Session Of Weight-Shift Training Support People With Parkinson's Step From A Freeze?
Y Russo, P Leveridge, J Ye, Z Wang, M Wilson, A Nieuwboer, S Lamb, ...
Movement Disorders 38, S107-S108, 2023
Anticipatory postural adjustments in lateral stepping: comparison between barefoot and shod conditions
D Marinkovic, Y Russo, P Brasiliano, N Casciato, B Obradovic, ...
How different movement references influence cortical potentials related to step initiation? A comparative methods’ assessment
Y Russo, M Berchicci, F Di Russo, G Vannozzi
Gait & Posture 66, S33-S34, 2018
Patterns of Anticipatory Postural Adjustments in Step Initiation: Comparison of Forward and Backward Stepping
Y Russo, E Bergamini, G Vannozzi
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