Denise Rotondo
Denise Rotondo
Dean of Business, Canisius College
在 canisius.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Hofstede's country classification 25 years later
DR Fernandez, DS Carlson, LP Stepina, JD Nicholson
The Journal of social psychology 137 (1), 43-54, 1997
Coping with multiple dimensions of work‐family conflict
DM Rotondo, DS Carlson, JF Kincaid
Personnel review 32 (3), 275-296, 2003
Relationships among gender, type of humor, and perceived leader effectiveness
WH Decker, DM Rotondo
Journal of Managerial Issues, 450-465, 2001
Conflict, facilitation, and individual coping styles across the work and family domains
DM Rotondo, JF Kincaid
Journal of Managerial Psychology 23 (5), 484-506, 2008
A cross‐cultural exploratory study of the linkage between emotional intelligence and managerial effectiveness
F Shipper, J Kincaid, DM Rotondo, RC Hoffman IV
The International Journal of Organizational Analysis 11 (3), 171-191, 2003
Does the 360 feedback process create actionable knowledge equally across cultures?
F Shipper, RC Hoffman, DM Rotondo
Academy of Management Learning & Education 6 (1), 33-50, 2007
Coping With a Career Plateau: An Empirical Examination of What Works and What Doesn't1
DM Rotondo, PL Perrewe
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 30 (12), 2622-2646, 2000
The moderating effect of work-linked couple relationships and work–family integration on the spouse instrumental support-emotional exhaustion relationship.
JRB Halbesleben, KL Zellars, DS Carlson, PL Perrewé, D Rotondo
Journal of occupational health psychology 15 (4), 371, 2010
Use of humor at work: Predictors and implications
WH Decker, DM Rotondo
Psychological reports 84 (3), 961-968, 1999
Differences in promotion stress across career stage and orientation
DS Carlson, DM Rotondo
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2001
Individual-difference variables and career-related coping
D Rotondo
The Journal of Social Psychology 139 (4), 458-471, 1999
Developing social support in employees: Human resource development lessons from same-career couples
JRB Halbesleben, DM Rotondo
Advances in Developing Human Resources 9 (4), 544-555, 2007
A model depicting the relations among perceived stressors, role conflict and organizational commitment: A comparative analysis of Hong Kong and the United States
PL Perrewe, DA Ralston, DR Fernandez
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 12, 1-21, 1995
An experimental examination of implicit stress theory
PL Perrewe, DR Fernandez, KS Morton
Journal of Organizational Behavior 14 (7), 677-686, 1993
A cross-cultural study of managerial skills and effectiveness: New insights or back to basics?
R C. Hoffman, F M. Shipper, J A. Davy, D M. Rotondo
International Journal of Organizational Analysis 22 (3), 372-398, 2014
Implicit stress theory: An experimental examination of subjective performance information on employee evaluations
DR Fernandez, PL Perrewé
Journal of Organizational Behavior 16 (4), 353-362, 1995
Career plateau response as a function of personal coping strategies
DR Fernandez
The Florida State University, 1995
When your spouse is (like) a coworker: Marital working status, burnout, and social support
JRB Halbesleben, KL Zellars, DS Carlson, DM Rotondo, PL Perrewé
annual meeting of the Southern Management Association, Charleston, SC, 2005
Cross-national differences in work-nonwork conflict
DS Carlson, DR Fernandez, LP Stepina
International Journal of Value-Based Management 9, 153-168, 1996
Reaching a career plateau: A new source of employee stress
DM Rotondo, PL Perrewe, DS Carlson
Unpublished Manuscript, 1998
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